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RE: resched
hey guys,
i can be around tomorrow at about 5pm; will that work? otherwise i can
meet from 4pm, on thursday.
here's an update on things:
i have been doing some cleanup work on walls. in fact, i have been
separating it into different programs (prof. t, i believe i spoke to you
awhile back about why that was necessary). i think that separation will
also make it easier for a UROP to digest quickly. as for the UROPs, i
talked to mike lambert and he seems the most qualified. faye has a good
deal less experience programming, but she seemed more excited about the
project. their emails are mlambert@mit.edu and fmk@mit.edu if you want to
get ahold of them; let me know what you think. i'm also waiting to hear
back from two others (one of them is brian, the guy fredo recommended).
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 vkulikov@mit.edu wrote:
> sure, 2-5pm W or R will work for me. what about you, michael?
> vitaly
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> vitaly, michael,
> i'll be off campus most of tomorrow. can we move
> our BMG meeting to W or R afternoon?
> please propose some times that work for you.
> prof. t.