--- Begin Message ---
- To: anneh@eecs.mit.edu
- Subject: Seeking For-Credit Course VI UROP(s)
- From: Seth Teller <teller@csail.mit.edu>
- Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 08:51:48 -0500
- Organization: MIT CS & AI Laboratory
- User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113
[anne -- please forward to VI'ers. thanks -- seth.]
Seeking For-Credit Course VI UROP(s) for
Procedural Generation Of Architectural CAD Models
for Apps Including Route-Planning and Active Signage
Hundreds of detailed 2D CAD floorplans are posted by MIT
at http://floorplans.mit.edu/SearchPDF.Asp . We are writ-
ing a geometric "compiler" to parse this data, extrude it
into 3D, and produce a "well-formed" 3D geometric model of
every campus space, along with space-type and adjacency
This rich spatial database will support several new appli-
cations for use by the MIT community, including mapping,
route-planning (for walking and rolling routes), active
signage (signs that display information in its spatial
context), better space usage, evacuation planning etc.
We're looking for one or two students (juniors or seniors,
6-2's or 6-3's) to join the graphics group as for-credit
UROPs. Candidates should have some design and coding ex-
perience in C++ and/or Java. Graphics and geometric mod-
eling experience, either from 6.837 or independent work,
would be useful as well.
A successful spring-term UROP could lead to a paid summer
UROP, and/or to for-credit or paid MEng RAships.
For more information see http://city.csail.mit.edu/bmg, see
the MEng theses by Bell (2003) and Nichols (2004) posted at
http://graphics.csail.mit.edu/publications.html, and/or
contact Michael Craig, mic@graphics.csail.mit.edu .
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