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connected space count

All -

After fixing a portal-name collision bug (sort of a hack on my end, MIC 
will further fix in his data) the fully connected graph of rooms (starting 
from the basemap) is about 13,000 spaces. This is good, up from a mere 
7200 a few days ago. This is not so great, however, compared to the total 
corpus of about 25,000 spaces.

MIC and i theorize that that there are many clusters of well-connected 
spaces which are not then connected to the basemap, or to basemap-adjacent 
spaces. E2 is a good example of this -- many floors have all of the rooms 
on the floor connected to one of three or four multi-room chunks. This has 
something to do with corridor synthesis.


* * *

Patrick James Nichols II
Graduate Student, MIT Computer Graphics Group