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Re: request?
you're right, we really can use this information.
doesn't this information already exist, in the form of
portals (generated by michael) originating from the
exits of each building?
if we simply want a single space lying inside the
building, we don't need to generate and parse another
file. the source space A for any "exiting" portal
A->B lies inside the building. however, it may not
"best represent" the building. what does this mean,
patrick? do you want the centroid of the building
prof. t.
vkulikov@mit.edu wrote:
great, i also have some progress. it is possible, but we will need some help
from michael. all buildings in my program are nameless. therefore, i will need
a mapping from, say, building name to some point inside the building on the
basemap. then, i will be able to locate the point and provide you with the
mapping you want.
michael, can you give me this kind of data (name-to-location mapping)?
I've got some great stuff coming. I have a question: is there any way you
could generate a file for me which has a mapping of building_name -> some
patch in the basemap which best represents that building?
i.e. :
mit_18 BMAP#1#1020#BLDNG