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Re: concave data

it should be a minute fix to change the extension to .spaces. in my case, it's
literaly a one-word fix.
> 1) why are the files named .rooms ?  as we discussed,
>    .spaces would be more appropriate -- please change
>    this convention.

sure, i'll try to do it before the meeting today. currently i output the result
onto the screen when the program is run in the debugging mode. however, running
the program in the debugging mode on the whole basemap takes a lot of time, so
outputting the result as a set of .iv files is a good idea.
> 2) vitaly, as a side effect of your processing, can
>    you generate .iv files for:
>      1) the spaces file
>      2) the portals file
>      3) a small file that includes them both
>    so that we can view them easily with ivview ?
>    please color each space consistently according to its type.
> prof. t.
> Vitaly wrote:
> > hi,
> i have concave-patches data available. you can find .rooms and .portals
> files
> at:
> /scratch/vkulikov/WALKTHRU/walkthru/mit/src/basemapv4.0/Data/basemap.ug.*
> the size of the .rooms and .portals files is 7MB and 11.5MB resectively,
> which
> is a big improvement. for performance reasons i have to limit the size of
> each
> patch. currently, each patch is at most 32 triangles. i am going to optimize
> the
> code to reach the limit of 100 triangles per patch or even more, though my
> tests
> show that this isn't likely to decrease the total size of the output by a
> lot.
> vitaly