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Re: [Fwd: RE: RE: Meeting about CAD issues]
unfortunately i have to take the GRE today, so i will be out until about 5
or 6pm. but i will get in touch with greg knight to find out what the
changes will be. hopefully this will be all for the better (no more
quirks/errors etc.).
On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Seth Teller wrote:
> bmg'ers (especially michael): if you have a list of
> problems and requests for the DOF people, please email
> it to greg (& cc bmg). i will try to attend the DOF
> meeting tomorrow (F) morning, michael, please join us
> if you can.
> prof. t.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: RE: RE: Meeting about CAD issues
> Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 10:54:21 -0500
> From: vkulikov@mit.edu
> To: GKnight@PLANT.MIT.EDU, mparkin@PLANT.MIT.EDU
> CC: seth@graphics.csail.mit.edu
> Hi,
> Tomorrow (Friday), NE49 on the 2nd floor at 11am works fine for me. I'll meet
> you there.
> Regarding a more comprehensive list of errors, I think it is better to call
> them "constraints". Depending on how you are using information from the
> basemap, you may find it perfectly correct. The problem is that the way the
> plan is constructed now does not allow us unambiguosly assign type (grass,
> sidewalk, building, etc.) to each unit area of the MIT campus terrain. The
> reason for this is:
> The basemap is represented as a set of polylines, some of which are NOT closed.
> If all polylines were closed, and each polyline had a type associated with the
> area enclosed by that polyline, I wouldn't have any work to do at all.
> However, even if I just had a guarantee that each point on the basemap is
> enclosed by some closed polyline, the problem would become much easier to
> solve.
> Thanks a lot and see you tomorrow,
> Vitaly
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Vitaly,
> Also...if you have a more comprehensive list of errors, pass it on to us
> before the meeting so we check it out...and hopefully have some answers for
> the meeting...
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Knight
> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 9:42 AM
> To: 'vkulikov@mit.edu'
> Cc: seth@graphics.csail.mit.edu; Michael Parkin
> Subject: RE: Meeting about CAD issues
> Vitaly,
> Lets meet here in NE49 on the 2nd floor at 11am.
> Does this work for you?
> greg