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Re: next steps

I met with Patrick today and we discussed item (1). It will not be a problem. I already support two output formats - UG and PS - and it will be pretty easy to add a simple txt-based format that would provide all coloring + adjacency information.

In fact, in my program I am currently using a data structure that is a mix of quadedge data structure used for DCT and its dual, so it should be pretty easy to provide almost any reasonable view of the adjacency-coloring data. We will decide on the format with Patrick, and I will try to get it done fast.

The coloring program currently works on the whole campus, and I am mostly busy trying to improve the coloring using the small-set-precoloring idea and extracting the surface into 3D. However, I already do have enough information to provide to Patrick so that he could start working on the ouside routing.

About extracting the basemap surface into 3D. Here is an algorithm I am working on now. Given a set of 3D points (with specified z-coordinates) around the basemap, build a DCT of that set, then for each vertex in the basemap triangulation find the triangle in the height-DTC to which that vertex belongs, and get the z-coordinate of the vertex by "interpolating" the z-coordinates of the containing triangle.

The algorithm above does not take into account any cooring information such as regions colored as "ramps", etc, but provides good (literally "first-degree") aproximation of how the 3D basemap should look like. Any suggestions/thoughts?


michael, vitaly,

patrick briefed me this afternoon.  it sounds like two
priority items are:

 1) to compute the basemap spaces and adjacencies, and
    express them in a compatible format that patrick can read;
    [vitaly, in coordination with patrick]

 2) to fill in the "inter-floor" adjacencies within
    floorplans so that 3D routes can be computed & viewed;
    [michael, in coordination with patrick]

i'm concerned that time is running short; patrick's here
only for another two months or so.  can you two give me
an idea of when 1) and 2) will be working and demo-able?


prof. t.

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