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Update of /d9/projects/walkthru/packages/archive
In directory glint:/var/tmp/luka/walkthru/packages/archive
Added Files:
Togl-1.4.tar.gz Togl-1.6.tar.gz
Log Message:
Step 2 of Togl update to v 1.6: Adding baseline 1.6 code.
src/togl/togl.[ch] (and patch to Makefile) are all we need from the
complete package, which is saved under packages/archive/...
packages/archive/Togl-1.6.tar.gz is the unmodified dist code.
packages/archive/Togl-1.4.tar.gz also added for reference, just in case.
packages/archive/Togl-1.5.tar.gz already present and left for reference.
Note: This togl.[ch] is pristine, from the 1.6 tgz dist file. So it is
safe to diff against these for the first pullup needed past 1.6. But
subsequent patches (coming in Step 3) are needed for it to work, and may
or may not be needed against later releases as well.