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Re: Building Model Generator
If I understand what you're asking, we didn't encounter this problem
because the CAD floorplans we worked from already had a layer on which
each room was a complete closed contour. We used those contours to build
representations of each room. Some of the publications (e.g. Rick
Lewis's) at http://graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~seth/pubs/pubs.html might be more
useful though. If you have further questions, you could also try asking
the current BMG members (bmg@graphics.lcs.mit.edu).
- Sean
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Anders Flodmark wrote:
> Dear Sean,
> I would be greatful if you had a chance to give me some quick feedback on
> a problem that relates to the Building Model Generator and your work with
> CAD drawings and floorplans.
> Just like at MIT, Berkeley has a bunch of floorplans that we want to
> georeference and also tag with room IDs. Our goal is to create a
> representation, a shape, of each room, which would ideally be contained by
> the inner walls of the room. Since you are familiar with these types of
> drawings, you will know that there are numerous ways to represent doors
> (windows are generally not an issue). Our goal is to create closed
> polygons from the wall and window segments, meaning connecting the gaps
> representing doors.
> I wonder if, during your research and work on the code, came up with a
> good working solution for this step? This is really all we need to be able
> to quickly move on with our project and I would greatly appreciate any
> thoughts from your side. Also, if you know of anyone else in your group
> who would have more information on this, it would be helpful. I tried to
> reach Will Leiserson via email but I was not successful.
> Sincerely
> Anders Flodmark
> ______________________________________
> Geographic Information Science Center
> University of California, Berkeley
> http://www.gisc.berkeley.edu
> Opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of
> the University of California.