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Update of /d9/projects/walkthru/lib/fire/symbols
In directory glint:/var/tmp/luka/walkthru/lib/fire/symbols
Removed Files:
CO2 (2).bmp Drychem (2).bmp FDconnect (2).bmp bell.bmp
bell.gif cleanagent (2).bmp electoff (2).bmp electran (2).bmp
elevequip.bmp emerconnect (2).bmp escalator (2).bmp
exhaust (2).bmp exit (2).bmp fan (2).bmp fdacess (2).bmp
fidkey.bmp fire (2).bmp fire.gif fireescp.bmp firepump (2).bmp
flamliq (2).bmp foam (2).bmp gasdet (2).bmp gasoff (2).bmp
halon (2).bmp heatdet (2).bmp hosecon (2).bmp manpull (2).bmp
people.bmp people.gif phone (2).bmp roofacess (2).bmp
smkvent (2).bmp smokedet (2).bmp smokedet.gif
sprinkler (2).bmp sprinkler.gif stairFR (2).bmp
staircomb (2).bmp stairopen (2).bmp stpipe (2).bmp
symbology.wpd vessal (2).bmp wateroff (2).bmp wetchem (2).bmp
Log Message:
finish cleanup of lib dir by moving fire graphics to correct new dir.
and remove some obsoleted (and def'd out) lock code from dm.h.