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RE: requesting 'building model generator'

Respected Prof. Teller,
     Thank you very much for your response. I understand that I would be
able to reuse only a part of the source - 
1. maybe just the DXF & UG readers. 
2. maybe the edge manipulation data structures and functions. 
3. grid determination and coercion routines.
4. the interaction engine.
5. maybe much more
  Even that would be so much better than starting from absolute scratch.

It would be great if you make available the original snapshot as
received from Berkeley. I actually requested Prof. Sequin for the BMG
code by Lewis and Bukowski and he pointed me to you for the latest and
the ticking version.
I paste the message from Prof. Sequin below. 
I can assure you that I will not request any technical support from your
group if that is a concern. If I am given the original Berkeley BMG
distribution I will customize it to fit my needs. It makes a lot of
difference to start from an existing code-base that is so much similar
and written by guys at Berkeley-MIT.
 Hope you will consider my case once more.
Best regards,
P.S. Response from Prof. Sequin follows

From: Carlo Sequin [mailto:sequin@cs.berkeley.edu] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 11:28 PM
To: Jayanta Majumder
Cc: Seth Teller; Carlo Sequin
Subject: building model generator

Prof. Seth Teller and his students at MIT
are actively pursuing research on the BMG
and keeping it alive and enhancing it.
Please contact them.

Carlo Sequin

-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Teller [mailto:teller@lcs.mit.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 2:23 PM
To: Jayanta Majumder
Cc: bmg@graphics.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Re: requesting 'building model generator'

dear jayanta majumder,

i'm afraid that our source base is not in an appropriate
state to be shared at this time.  we have torn apart the
code and are performing a major restructuring.

in any event, our algorithms are specialized in two ways
that may make them less than useful to you.  first, they
are designed to process architectural models (not ship
models).  second, they assume many conventions about the
document structure that probably do not hold for your
CAD documents.

i recommend that you absorb the principles of lewis's
thesis and implement your own procedural extrusion tools.
this will be faster and more effective than waiting for
our tools to become available.


prof. t.

Jayanta Majumder wrote:
> Hello Gentlemen,
>       I am a researcher in the department of naval architecture and
> marine engineering in the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
> am working on simulating emergencies on passenger ships and off-shore
> establishments. It requires topological and 3-d models of the ships'
> floor-plans. The building model generator that you maintain will be
> greatly useful to me in generating the same from the DXF line drawings
> of the floor-plans. 
>  Would you please make the BMG software available to me for my
> pursuit? I can pledge to keep the extension open-source and will be
> to provide any additional information.
>  Best regards,
> Jayanta Majumder
> Research Fellow
> Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering  
> http://www.na-me.ac.uk
> University of Strathclyde, Glasgow