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Re: meeting tuesday

given the crazy weather, i might not make it into cambridge on tuesday.
(i don't have much other reason to be in on my monday class sched.)  but
i'll just end up seeing how travelable it is and making the call then.
so if i don't show, it's because i couldn't shovel my way out fast enough
after all -- proceed without me. :)

for the floorplans.mit.edu stuff, i haven't heard anything more on the
matter still.  but with the holiday, facilities is probably on vacation,
so it's not a sign that anyone's being reticent with the info necessarily.
and as far as my info goes, it could just as well be an honest web site
bug that they'd like to hear reported.

i think we should check if the site is still in the same state on tuesday,
and if so then try to contact them and find out what's up.
