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idea: collect stats during campus generation
- To: Building Model Generation Group <bmg@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>
- Subject: idea: collect stats during campus generation
- From: Seth Teller <teller@lcs.mit.edu>
- Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 16:04:06 -0500
- Organization: MIT Computer Graphics Group
- Sender: seth
this idea mostly applies to vitaly and michael,
but may be of interest to the group.
we should collect and report stats during the BMG
pipeline, for several reasons:
1) it will give us some quantitative figures to
report when we describe the project (# of buildings,
# of floorplates, rooms, etc.).
2) if we can distinguish success and failure cases,
it will give us a concrete assessment of how well
the pipeline is working.
3) we can use it to sanity check our own derived
info against the DOF (dept of facilities) info.
here are some suggested things to report, in some
kind of consistent fashion (perhaps as an auto-
generated XML page to accompany the generated model
geometry, e.g. posted VRML files):
# building IDs found on DOF basemap;
# buildings found from DOF website;
# of buildings successfully processed, # failed;
total # floorplans found, successfully prox'ed, failed;
total # of named spaces, and adjacencies;
total assignable square footage (we can match this
against the DOF database, to see if we (or they!)
are making any gross errors)
as the pipeline gets more sophisticated we can
add things like:
total # of procedurally generated stairwells,
ramps, elevators, pedestrian bridges;
total # of furnishings, etc.
other stats of interest.
it might also be useful to make these stats viewable
inside the 3D model itself, so as you walk into a
space, for example, its ASF and other characteristics
are displayed.
ideas ?
prof. t.