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[Fwd: Architectural Visualization]
- To: Building Model Generation Group <bmg@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>
- Subject: [Fwd: Architectural Visualization]
- From: Seth Teller <teller@lcs.mit.edu>
- Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2003 18:17:55 -0500
- Organization: MIT Computer Graphics Group
- Sender: seth
-------- Original Message --------
From: "Maneesh Agrawala" <maneesh@microsoft.com>
Subject: Architectural Visualization
To: <teller@lcs.mit.edu>
CC: <maneesh@cs.stanford.edu>
Hi Seth,
I don't know if you've seen this, but I recently wrote a paper with
Chris Niederauer, Mike Houston, and Greg Humphreys on visualizing
architectural environments.
We talked a bit about this project when I visited MIT last spring.
This paper describes a simple idea for creating exploded views of
architextural environments so viewers can see both its internal and
external structure at the same time.
But I think this is only a first step and there are many other
interesting visualizations one might create with such architectural
models. For example:
1) Showing routes through such buildings
2) Showing locations of important objects
3) Creating more general exploded views that separate not only
floors, but the indvidual rooms as well.
4) Automatically choosing good viewpoints for the exploded views
As I recall you were thinking about some of these issues as well, in
relation to the Cricket project and the BMG project. If you or your
students are interested, I thought it might be fun to brainstorm with
you about generating such visulizations.