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Re: cvs re-export
ok, checked the history, any everyone who's touched the tree
at all in the last 6 months is on this list. so judging by
nods at the meeting, we're all ready.
i'm planning to lock the tree at 10pm friday night, 1/31.
i ask that you not initiate any cvs operations after 9:30pm,
just to help keep things sane. preferably, make any last
[stable] commits by the end of thursday, and only be doing
checkout/update ops for testing on friday, if anything.
i will send mail after i am done and open the new the tree
which should probably be by midnight that same night.
a reminder that after this export is done, any working copies
you have checked out should be considered trash, unless you
want to do deep voodoo to make them work again. you should
start work after the new tree is open by purging any/all
working copies you have and doing a clean checkout.
in the case that you end up with unstable mods that you do not
want to commit before the export friday night, you should turn
those into a patch before i lock the tree, and apply the patch
to a clean checkout of the new tree after it is re-opened. if
you need to do this, feel free to ask me for help.