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fyi (fwd)
In case this didn't get to the rest of the group...
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Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 20:58:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: Seth Teller <seth@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>
To: markan@graphics.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: fyi
>From fhelsing@library.berkeley.edu Thu Jun 13 19:27:11 2002
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Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:28:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Fleur Helsingor <fhelsing@library.berkeley.edu>
To: Seth Teller <teller@lcs.mit.edu>
cc: tech-rpt@library.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: broken print/download link
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> hello,
> i'd like to read the whole TR posted at
> http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Dienst/UI/2.0/Page/ncstrl.ucb/CSD-83-161/17
> but the print/download link does not work.
> thanks,
> seth teller
Thank you for your inquiry. The print/download link only works if a
postscript version of a technical report is available, and that's usually
the case only for reports that were published since 1995 or so.
However, I've just installed a new file for CSD-83-161 in tar format,
which you can download and unpack using WinZip, the Unix tar utility, or a
Macintosh unstuffing application such as StuffIt.
The URL: <http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/TechRepPages/CSD-83-161>
Under "How to view this document," use the fourth option to download the
tar file.
Please let me know if you run into problems with this.
-- Fleur Helsingor
(writing on behalf of "tech-rpt@library.berkeley.edu")
F L E U R H E L S I N G O R |
fhelsing@library.berkeley.edu | (Electronic Resources Specialist)
(The Library) | (University of California, Berkeley)
http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/~fhelsing/ | art + music + technology = MORE FUN!