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[Fwd: complete extrusion]


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To: seth@graphics.lsc.mit.edu
cc: zbodnar@MIT.EDU
Subject: complete extrusion
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 18:54:01 -0400
From: Matthew S Seegmiller <xaco@MIT.EDU>


I got the winding number algorithm to work, finally, and that fixed
all of the problem buildings.  I can now generate what is pretty much a 
complete inventor file of campus, with each building simply being its
extrusion of it's shell in the basemap.  You can view it yourself by

ivview ~xaco/walkthru/BMG/Basemap.ok/Building/all_campus.iv

The buildings with blue roofs are "problem" buildings.  The W85 cluster
issues because the buildings are labelled W85ABC, W85DE, W85FG, and
while the building heights have W85A, W85B, etc.  The other major
problem is
building 14.  It has a center courtyard, which is detected as a separate
building.  The courtyard is labelled 14 (since the 14 is in the middle
of the
courtyard) and the surrounding building, I think, is being labelled N
now(since N, S, E, and W are there to label the sections of 14).  Since
is being labelled N, there is no height/number of floors data on it and
it is colored blue.  

Also, there are 4 buildings which are labelled and not shown.  Most
notable is
NE43 which doesn't have a contour on the basemap.  In addition is NW20
and W53A
which are both labels with lines pointing to the building they label
than being within the building they label.  The last is 18T which is the
temporary trailer extension to 18 that has no contour on the map.

Finally, I'm wondering where I should be going from here.  There are
refinements that could be made to this program, as well as some cleaning
of names, etc. that I could be doing now if that is where you'd like me
to be
taking this.  Let me know for sure.  I'll probably be back in lab on
around 4.


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