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DUSP contacts for coordinate transformation
zach -- this is from prof. ferreira, who leads the MassGIS
project. there are some pointers for students to contact;
can you follow up? in particular, i'd like to get code
into the city source tree which can convert among several
named coordinate systems, including various geoids, state
plane (campus coordinates), and our own LTP.
am cc'ing neel; doing this right will have implications
for the formats of our pose files (each should encode the
name of the coordinates it is expressed in), and may have
other implications as well.
also, the BMG group, who will likely be users of the library
you generate, and may also be able to help you develop and
test code.
the DUSP people are pretty interested in capturing everything
there is about MIT and cambridge in general, so they'll be
interested in our progress. once we have the citydata and
BMG stuff working reasonably comprehensively, we can have
them over for some demos and discussions.
Joseph Ferreira wrote:
> Seth,
> ...
> Meanwhile, for projection software, we use several
> subroutine libraries that are open source and
> provided by USGS to convert among coordinate systems and
> datums. Your student can check with nadinesa@mit.edu
> (Nadine Alameh, postdoc) and humbads@mit.edu (MCP student).
> I believe that both of them have used the libraries.
> I'm also copying this to Tom Grayson (our GIS/DBMS person)
> and Dan Sheehan (the spatial data person for IS) so they
> can be aware of this indication of cross-campus interest
> in open source coordinate conversion libraries.
> I hope all is going well for you and the group.
> Perhaps it's time for our semiannual lunch or an informal
> demo/discussion among folks in our groups...
> -- Joe Ferreira
> ------- Forwarded Message
> Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 15:02:36 -0500
> From: Seth Teller <seth@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (Win98; I)
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> To: Joe Ferreira <jf@mit.edu>
> Subject: open source for converting coordinate systems
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> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> joe,
> we're looking for code to transform data between coordinate
> systems (in our case, NAD27 state plane, and WGS84 ECEF, but
> there are likely to be other examples too). can i direct
> my students to yours for some pointers on this?
> ...
> ------- End of Forwarded Message