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Sv: BMG suggestions
Hello everybody,
thanks again for spending your time this tuesday (too bad we couldn't get to see you).
BMG is up and running now in the Graphics Lab at MIT, but there are still some minor problems.
A bus error occurs, for example, when I try to do the convert-command (DXF->UG with acad2ug) from the menu in BMG. We will try to fix these errors ASAP and get back to you when BMG is more stable (which shouldn't take too long).
Andreas Wehowsky
(grad student @ graphics lab, MIT)
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Lewis <rick.lewis@dvinc.com>
To: Seth Teller <seth@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>; Carlo Sequin <sequin@cs.berkeley.edu>
Cc: Building Model Generation Group <bmg@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>; CityWalk Group <citywalk@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 4:04 PM
Subject: BMG suggestions
> Hello all,
> It was interesting to learn on Wednesday that no one has
> actually gotten BMG to run on today's platform (vs. the OS
> and other libraries I was using 4 years ago).
> First and foremost in enabling me to provide you with
> instructions for how to use BMG is to have the program
> up and running. I will be of limited use until I can walk you
> through execution of the program and provide tutorial input
> on how to use it.
> Please let me know when there is a configuration available
> that has been successfully executed. At this point I will come
> to Berkeley and put together a tutorial with instructions and
> examples.
> Carlo, I will need access to Soda and 537. If the locks on 537
> haven't changed since I was there, I think I have a key laying
> around somewhere. But we will need to get a card-key for me
> to get into Soda.
> Rick
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Carlo Sequin" <sequin@cs.berkeley.edu>
> To: "Rick Lewis" <rick.lewis@dvinc.com>; <simmons@cs.berkeley.edu>; "Seth
> Teller" <seth@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>
> Cc: "Building Model Generation Group" <bmg@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>; "CityWalk
> Group" <citywalk@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 1:30 PM
> Subject: Re: BMG now builds and runs.
> > At 11:20 AM 2/23/01 -0800, Rick Lewis wrote:
> >
> > >Congrats on getting it compiled and running, I can't even remember
> > >what version of IRIX we were using in '96 but I'm sure the
> > >environment is pretty different now.
> > >
> >
> > WOW -- this is really great that we have BMG running again !
> > I went to a first architect-selection meeting today
> > for our new CITRIS II building --
> > so I think that this summer I will want to use BMG to make
> > a 3D model from the architects plans ...
> >
> > RE:
> > >Sorry I haven't been able to be more helpful to this point but I am
> > >literally leaving one startup (in 5 days) and working on the business
> > >plan for another.
> > >
> > >Carlo and others, if you want to get together to discuss BMG, how
> > >about the week of Mar. 5th?
> > >
> > This is another exciting development!
> > I sure would like to get together,
> > and the week of March 5 is perfect.
> > Best times:
> > Mo after 4pm,
> > Tue 1-3 or after 5pm
> > WE after 3pm,
> > Thu 1:30 -3 or after 5pm -- you could also join graphics lunch ...
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Carlo
> >
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