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build instructions for BMG

MIT BMG guys,

here's the magic information from rick bukowski,
a PhD student at berkeley (but not the author of
BMG, who is long gone) and master hacker.

to get the source for BMG into your own working
area, you must use CVS as follows.  at the unix
prompt, do

  setenv CVSROOT /d9/projects
  cvs checkout walkthru/BMG


  cd walkthru/BMG
  ... start digging ...
note that BMG itself has a sub-directory BMG,
a sub-dir acad2ug, bin, etc.  the whole thing
should be re-structured.  but first we have to
understand its structure.

rick, can you de-mystify the two files

  1. ~/walkthru/BMG/make.my_stuff
  2. ~/walkthru/BMG/BMG/Makefile

?  i can't find them in your MIT home directory.
what are their contents?


prof. t.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Richard Bukowski <bukowski@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: Re: bmg build ?
To: Seth Teller <seth@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Seth Teller wrote:

> rick,
> can i bug you one more time to check in your
> working build of bmg, and/or document how to 
> arrive at a working build?  i've just hired
> some great students to take on BMG, and i want
> to get them going without crushing them with
> broken code ...

I looked at the files, and I *think* it's actually checked in already.

The trick is as follows:

There's a shell script called "makem" in the ~/walkthru/BMG directory.
This shell script, modulo some paths you may have to set, builds BMG
clean.  I wrote the script and checked it in way back when I figured out
how to make it build.

There are paths in the following makefiles that need to be set properly
order for the whole thing to work:

1. ~/walkthru/BMG/make.my_stuff
2. ~/walkthru/BMG/BMG/Makefile

These two makefiles need include paths to the Walkthru source code,
because they use libraries from the main body of the Walkthru.  So, you
need to do this on a machine with a Walkthru installed and compiled (or
least a few of the libraries -- specifically, it requires libgtui,
libio, and libmat to be built.  Also, you need the Forms library to be
built and available -- there's one checked in in that source tree.

It may need some tweaking in order to work, since it does depend on
Walkthru libraries and their locations may have changed in the last 2
years.  But the makem script, which invokes a few other makefiles, tells
you how to build BMG.  I can *almost* make it run now on Viz -- it
link because my library path is wrong -- but it gets all the way to the
final link before it fails.

> thanks,

  Richard William Bukowski	  |   Computer Science Department
  Bukowski@CS.Berkeley.EDU        |   University of California at
      "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh "BOB" D'lyeh Wgah'nagl Dhobbz f'htagn."
  "The best way to accelerate a Macintosh is 9.8 m/s^2."  - J. Evans