6.893 Advanced VLSI Computer Architecture
Course News
- October 12th The second project checkpoint has been moved
back again to November 21, to avoid clashing with the ISCA deadline
and with a potential guest lecture.
- October 1st The group
projects page is up. Please send in your html wrapper and pdf/ppt
files, if you haven't done so already.
- September 29th The second project checkpoint has been moved
back to November 16. Krste's assistant is now Sharlea Greene-Jones
sitting in NE43-620.
- September 13th The class mailing list is up now at
"avca@cag.lcs.mit.edu". You can use this to advertise project ideas
and to search for project partners. The projects page now includes links to other
classes project sites to give you an idea of the size and scope of a
class project.
- September 7th The class can be used to satisfy the advanced
architecture TQE requirement. Indicate this is what you intend to do
when you submit your TQE plan.
- September 5th Most of the class site is up now including a
full description of the course project,
and the first few readings.
- August 28th More of the class site is up now including a
full description of the course project.
Krste Asanovic