The following instructions install YDL (Yellow Dog Linux) on a PS3. More detailed instructions are available from Terra Soft Solutions.

  1. Prep USB key with /ps3/otheros/otheros.self and /ps3/otheros/otheros.bld

  2. Boot PS3:
         Settings -> System -> Format disk
         [10 G to PS3 System]
  3. Transfer YDL boot loader:
        Settings -> System -> Install OtherOS
        [click through]
        Settings -> System -> Default OS
        [Set OtherOS as default]
  4. Power off and install Yellowdog linux 5.0 from DVD normally. The default linux partitions we used are:
        10 GB /
         1 GB swap
         * GB /home
  5. Post install configuration:
        # fix timezone && start ntpd (these instruction are specific to the Eastern time zone)
        rm -f /etc/localtime
        cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime
        chkconfig ntpd on
        /etc/init.d/ntpd start
        # if you prefer to make text booting default
        perl -i -pe 's{default=ydl}{default=ydltext}g' /etc/kboot.conf
        # do some updates
        yum -y update
        # create user accounts ala
        useradd --uid 12345 --comment "My Name" myUserID
        echo blahblah | passwd --stdin myUserID
