Supervised Meta Optimization



In order to deliver the promise of Moore's Law to the end user, compilers must make decisions that are intimately tied to a specific target architecture.  As engineers add architectural features to increase performance, systems become harder to model, and thus, it becomes harder for a compiler to make effective decisions.

Machine-learning techniques may be able to help compiler writers model modern architectures.  Because learning techniques can effectively make sense of high dimensional spaces, they can be a valuable tool for clarifying and discerning complex decision boundaries.  In our work we focus on loop unrolling, a well-known optimization for exposing instruction level parallelism.  Using the Open Research Compiler (ORC) as a test bed, we demonstrate how one can use supervised learning techniques to model the appropriateness of loop unrolling.


M. Stephenson, S. Amarasinghe. Predicting Unroll Factors Using Supervised Classification. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Code Generation and OptimizationSan Jose, California. March 2005 (ps, pdf, ppt).

M. Stephenson, S. Amarasinghe. Predicting Unroll Factors Using Nearest Neighbors. MIT-TM-938.  March 2004. (ps, pdf).


We will soon release ORC instrumentation code, as well as some Matlab implementations of the learning algorithms we used.


Mark Stephenson
Una-May O'Reilly
Saman Amarasinghe

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Eliot Moss and John Cavazos at the University of Massachusetts are working on applying supervised learning to compilation.

Last updated by Mark Stephenson on March 25, 2005.