Technology for a Developing World: Perspective from Dimagi
Jonathan Jackson
Co-Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer of Dimagi.
Dimagi was founded in 2002 with
a primary focus on technology for public health in developing
countries. In this talk, Jonathan will discuss:
- What does Dimagi do and what types of projects do we do?
- What is Dimagi's model for how to execute projects and involve
interested people outside of our organization?
- What have we learned in the field from our experience in both business
development and execution of these projects.
Jonathan Jackson is a lifelong entrepreneur, software engineer, and
system designer with extensive real-world experience in the design,
development and deployment of rural health systems. He started his
first company in first grade with his sister selling her home-made
friendship bracelets and has kept going ever since.
From 1999 to 2002, Jonathan researched user-centric systems at the MIT
Media Lab. In the Context Aware Computer lab, he directed research on
an automated assistant that facilitated scheduling and alerts based on
pattern recognition and communication over e-mail, SMS, and direct TCP
Most recently, he led the technical development as founder and CTO of
Infinidex, an award winning contact search management startup. He
also has worked for short durations at Goldman Sachs as a summer
trader and at Bechtel in the Remote Sensing Labratory.
Jonathan earned bachelors and masters degrees in Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. Jonathan is a founding board member of the UnaMesa
Foundation and a visiting scientist at Brigham and Women's Hospital
Decision Systems Group.