Luis F. G. Sarmenta
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA,
Presented at the
EuroTools Workshop on Tools for High Performance Metacomputing,
Southampton, UK, Sept. 3, 1998.
journal paper)
The word bayanihan (pronounced ``buy-uh-nee-hun'') means a community spirit of unity and cooperation which makes seemingly impossible tasks possible through the concerted efforts of many people working together on a common goal. Project Bayanihan seeks to bring the bayanihan spirit to the realm of global computing by developing the idea of volunteer computing, a form of metacomputing that enables people to build very large parallel computing networks very quickly by using ubiquitous and easy-to-use technologies such as web browsers and Java. While the idea of volunteer computing offers many exciting new prospects in global supercomputing and collaboration, its implementation involves addressing many challenging issues. To this end, we have developed a flexible object-oriented framework that allows researchers to develop generic ways of addressing these issues while at the same time making it easy for programmers to use volunteer computing for a variety of specific applications.
The Bayanihan framework provides programmers with a set of basic components and an infrastructure for composing, interconnecting, and extending them. It employs distributed object technology to make programming easier by allowing programmers to concentrate on object-oriented design instead of low-level communication details. The framework components are divided into generic objects, which provide basic functionality for a family of applications, and application-specific objects, which implement specific functionality for target applications within that family. By reusing ready-made generic components and subclassing application-specific ones, programmers can easily create a wide variety of applications using a particular programming model. At the same time, by subclassing generic components, researchers can change generic functionality transparently, and even create entirely new programming models.
Using this framework, we have implemented a number of applications, as well as initiated explorations into various research issues. Our current results include:
These results give a very encouraging outlook on the feasibility and practicality of volunteer computing. Ongoing and future research includes writing more applications, implementing other programming models such as Linda, Cilk, and PVM, and further studying issues such as fault-tolerance and scalability.
Project Bayanihan is similar to a growing number of Java-based metacomputing projects. Most of these, including early ones such as ATLAS, ParaWeb, and JPVM, and newer ones such as IceT, Ninflet, and Java//, use Java applications that require some technical expertise and setup effort from users. Projects like Bayanihan that greatly improve accessibility by supporting browser-based applets seem to be fewer but are also increasing in number. These include simple systems such as DAMPP, and more complex ones such as Charlotte and Javelin. Bayanihan is unique in that it is intentionally designed to provide an easy object-oriented way to change generic functionality, and thus makes it easier to experiment with approaches to various research issues.
Luis Sarmenta