2015 Data Privacy Workshop
An information exchange on data policies,
access control and protection technologies
Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 9-4pm
CREATE Theatrette,
CREATE Tower, Level 2, Singapore
Big data offers attractive
benefits but it has thrust data privacy issues to the forefront as behavioral
data capture explodes and computing devices affording analysis keep pace. The ability to link data from multiple
sources multiplies privacy risks centered around the
exposure of personally identifiable information through the re-identification
of privacy protected data. Privacy policy makers find themselves in the
challenging position of drafting directives in novel contexts that must stand
the test of time while they try to balance benefits to society from sharing the
data on one hand with
individual privacy on the other. Data controllers or custodians are
constantly being challenged to reliably implement policy. Protective practices
can span isolation of the data granting very controlled access, access only
after personal vetting, through to open, “public” datasets. Data privacy technology has become
imperative as a means of providing accessibility to data for legitimate purposes
whether deployed in tandem with other practices or in isolation.
meeting will bring together researchers, developers and administrators in
Singapore, from academia, industry and government, for an active dialogue on
how to forge a unique Singapore identity around understanding these challenges
and considering how to address them.
Its format will encourage the sharing of perspectives from data
stakeholders in the Singapore big-data-sphere with technology information from
academics and practitioners.
Opening addresses by:
· Daniel Hastings, CEO
& Director, SMART (Singapore-MIT Alliance for
Research and Technology)
· Khiang-Wee Lim, Executive Director of CREATE (Campus for
Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise), NRF
· Government Agency Round Table
· Cross-Cutting Legal-Commercial-Academic Discussion on integrative
· Technology Representatives from I2R,
MIT, NTU, NUS, SMU, SUTD providing panels and featured talks on differential privacy and homomorphic encryption,
· Invited talk by Jean Yang, MIT: Preventing
Information Leaks with Jeeves
· Invited talk by Lalana Kagal, MIT:
Privacy through Accountability
· Panel chaired by Prof. Steven Miller,
Vice Provost Research, Dean, School of Information Systems, Singapore
Management University, with
Rosina Howe, CIO, Group Director, Innovation and InfoComm
Technology of the Land Transport Authority of Singapore
Amy Shi-Nash, Chief Data Science Officer, DataSpark-SingTel
Tan Kok Yam, Head, Smart
Nation Program Office
Dr. Una-May
O’Reilly Prof. Saman
Amarasinghe Prof. Li-Shiuan Peh
Singapore Technology Organization Representatives
NUS: Prof. Stephane
NTU: Prof. Xiaokui Xiao
I2R and SUTD: Prof. See Kiong
Attendance by invitation due to limited space. Invitations are currently available by contacting the organizers.