143 images
2 annotated
29 objects
  Definition (WordNet): A place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold and drunk; usually offers light meals and occasional live entertainment as well

List of most common objects found in this place sorted by frequency.
3 in this scene
389 total
3 in this scene
577 total
3 in this scene
2999 total
3 in this scene
20213 total
2 in this scene
129 total
2 in this scene
7971 total
2 in this scene
1464 total
2 in this scene
317 total
1 in this scene
5284 total
1 in this scene
302 total
1 in this scene
7227 total
1 in this scene
48 total
1 in this scene
7 total
1 in this scene
215 total
1 in this scene
4 total
1 in this scene
96 total
1 in this scene
18 total

Similar scenes
List of places with the most similar object distributions. The list is sorted by similarity.
18 images
1 annotated
34 objects
63 images
1 annotated
21 objects
13 images
7 annotated
289 objects
169 images
9 annotated
238 objects
12 images
2 annotated
36 objects
3 images
1 annotated
38 objects
105 images
11 annotated
403 objects
4 images
2 annotated
34 objects
105 images
10 annotated
358 objects

Annotated images

Non-annotated images