65 images
14 annotated
174 objects
  Definition (WordNet): A space attached to a home which is intended for housing motor vehicles

List of most common objects found in this place sorted by frequency.
23 in this scene
4956 total
22 in this scene
69 total
18 in this scene
887 total
14 in this scene
16080 total
12 in this scene
3095 total
12 in this scene
6328 total
9 in this scene
1508 total
8 in this scene
5785 total
7 in this scene
2427 total
6 in this scene
2357 total
6 in this scene
2269 total
6 in this scene
1054 total
5 in this scene
20213 total
3 in this scene
4135 total
2 in this scene
4240 total
2 in this scene
6268 total
2 in this scene
1151 total
2 in this scene
7227 total
2 in this scene
987 total
2 in this scene
219 total

Similar scenes
List of places with the most similar object distributions. The list is sorted by similarity.
270 images
10 annotated
186 objects
202 images
23 annotated
340 objects
281 images
16 annotated
238 objects
95 images
12 annotated
178 objects
48 images
11 annotated
172 objects
28 images
12 annotated
255 objects
291 images
5 annotated
67 objects
98 images
21 annotated
306 objects
65 images
12 annotated
210 objects

Annotated images

Non-annotated images