266 images
18 annotated
393 objects
  Definition (WordNet): The kitchen area on a boat

List of most common objects found in this place sorted by frequency.
57 in this scene
20213 total
49 in this scene
3102 total
27 in this scene
16080 total
19 in this scene
464 total
17 in this scene
784 total
17 in this scene
7227 total
16 in this scene
333 total
15 in this scene
5284 total
14 in this scene
495 total
13 in this scene
6268 total
10 in this scene
1612 total
7 in this scene
219 total
7 in this scene
199 total
7 in this scene
64 total
6 in this scene
358 total
5 in this scene
4135 total
5 in this scene
57 total
5 in this scene
138 total
4 in this scene
675 total
4 in this scene
132 total

Similar scenes
List of places with the most similar object distributions. The list is sorted by similarity.
1755 images
389 annotated
10892 objects
134 images
12 annotated
231 objects
144 images
3 annotated
42 objects
138 images
12 annotated
188 objects
198 images
44 annotated
791 objects
117 images
44 annotated
943 objects
166 images
24 annotated
311 objects
175 images
47 annotated
765 objects
956 images
468 annotated
7957 objects

Annotated images

Non-annotated images