59 images
10 annotated
294 objects
  Definition (WordNet): "an outdoor theater with a pool instead of a stage, where audiences can watch shows such as dolphin performances"

List of most common objects found in this place sorted by frequency.
103 in this scene
2696 total
40 in this scene
6202 total
15 in this scene
16 total
10 in this scene
20213 total
10 in this scene
614 total
9 in this scene
5785 total
7 in this scene
179 total
7 in this scene
231 total
6 in this scene
6043 total
6 in this scene
7227 total
6 in this scene
6328 total
6 in this scene
85 total
5 in this scene
6 total
4 in this scene
1151 total
4 in this scene
694 total
4 in this scene
688 total
4 in this scene
16080 total
3 in this scene
4135 total
3 in this scene
107 total
3 in this scene
533 total

Similar scenes
List of places with the most similar object distributions. The list is sorted by similarity.
7 images
4 annotated
68 objects
61 images
11 annotated
176 objects
46 images
2 annotated
51 objects
60 images
10 annotated
412 objects
45 images
3 annotated
61 objects
4 images
4 annotated
97 objects
169 images
12 annotated
223 objects
5 images
5 annotated
75 objects
202 images
11 annotated
181 objects

Annotated images

Non-annotated images