This folder contains the scripts necessary to reproduce the computational results of "Efficient Bayesian Estimates for Discrimination among Topologically Different Systems Biology Models" by David R Hagen and Bruce Tidor published in PLoS Computational Biology in 2014. Please direct any questions to the corresponding author. The results were generated using Matlab 2012a. In order to make use of any of the code in this folder, you must run the KroneckerBio/InitKronecker.m script to add the KroneckerBio functions to your Matlab path. The script "MainLinearTopologyScript.m" can be used to generate the main data and figures of the paper. The first section requires parallelization on a computational cluster in order to finish in a reasonable amount of time. The Matlab data file "MainData.mat" is a shapshot of the Matlab workspace after the main script was run so that you can look at the data without having to generate it yourself. The Matlab figures (".fig" files) are the same ones that are in the paper plus a few that did not make it in. There is a copy of KroneckerBio, the biological modeling toolbox developed in the Tidor lab by David Hagen, Joshua Apgar, Jared Toettcher, Jacob White, and Bruce Tidor. This is the version used to generate the results of this paper; if you would like to use KroneckerBio for your own work, you are encouraged to get the latest version from All code is released under the MIT license, except for a few files taken from other sources with their respective licenses. All data and figures are CC-BY.