[TITLE] Deploying Wireless Networks with Beeps (aka Distributed coloring without sending a single message) [SPEAKER] Alex Cornejo [PLACE] 32-G631 [TIME] 1:00PM - 2:30PM [DATE] March 5th (Fri), 2010 [ABSTRACT] To highlight the importance of the discreteness of the model we contrast it against a continuous variant described in \cite{infocom09}. We present an $\bigO(1)$ time algorithm that terminates with probability $1$ and assigns an interval of size $\Omega(T/\Delta)$ that repeats every $T$ time units to every node of the network. This improves an $\bigO(\log n)$ time algorithm with the same guarantees from \cite{infocom09}. Under the more realistic discrete model we present a Las Vegas algorithm that solves $\Omega(T/\Delta)$-interval coloring in $\bigO(\log n)$ time with high probability and describe how to adapt the algorithm for dynamic networks where nodes may join or leave. For constant degree graphs we prove a lower bound of $\Omega(\log n)$ on the time required to solve interval coloring for this model against randomized algorithms. This lower bound implies that our algorithm is asymptotically optimal for constant degree graphs.