Algorithms, Data Structures, and Lower Bounds |
The TDS group carries out a substantial amount of research on the development of efficient distributed algorithms and data structures, and the proof of lower bound and impossibility results. Some highlights of prior work include algorithms and impossibility results for distributed consensus, resource allocation, leader election, clock synchronization, self-stabilizing computation, reliable communication over unreliable networks, admission control and routing. Recent projects include:
Virtual Nodes for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks A Correctness Condition for Memory Shared by Byzantine Processes Hoest and Shavit's work on asynchronous complexity. Shavit's work on asynchronous computability. Lynch's new book, Distributed Algorithms, which presents a large collection of distributed algorithms and lower bound results, in a unified automata-theoretic framework. A research contribution in this text is a modular treatment of fault-tolerant asynchronous algorithms (using composition and various general transformations). Shvartsman with colleagues obtained several interesting results for fault-tolerant and efficient parallel algorithms. A monograph synthesizing the latest in algorithmics, lower bounds and simulations goes in print this February. Shavit's work on distributed-coordinated data structures. Shavit and Zemach have designed diffracting tree algorithms and analyzed their complexity. Lynch, Shavit, Shvartsman and Touitou have characterized the timing conditions for linearizability of counting networks. They have performed a comprehensive set of simulations and used the theoretical results to explain the observations. Shavit and Della-Libera have designed reactive diffracting trees. De Prisco, Lampson, and Lynch have studied the Paxos algorithm, which is a practical algorithm for distributed consensus invented by Lamport. Chlebus, De Prisco and Shvartsman have provided new algorithms for executing tasks in distributed systems where processors can fail and restart. Patt-Shamir's recent PhD thesis on clock synchronization algorithms and lower bound results. Lynch and Rajsbaum's new treatment of the Borowsky-Gafni simulation algorithm. Kleinberg, Attiya and Lynch's results on the inherent time tradeoffs between message delivery time and quiesce time. for connection management. |
MIT Last modified: Fri Nov 7 16:06:14 1997 |
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