The annotations for the puzzle game use a simple context dependent format. This format is explained below using an example from the actual annotations. Example: ------------------ The game grid is shown below for game 1, with the rows and columns numbered. 0 1 2 3 ----------- 0 | # # . . | 1 | . . . # | 2 | . . . # | ----------- The annotations for this game are as follow: 1 r:0:0:1 c:3:1:2 The first line of the annotations simply indicates that this is for game 1. Subsequent lines list the correct sequence of game actions: The second line shows the correct first action in the game - i.e., "remove the row which starts at coordinate [0,0], and ends at coordinage [0,1]. The The third line of the annotation is the second action of the game - i.e., "remove column which starts at [3,1] and ends at [3,2]. The format of the annotations is different for row actions (starting with 'r') and column actions (starting with 'c'): r:[row]:[starting column]:[ending column] c:[column]:[starting row]:[ending row]