Code Versioning in a Workflow Management System

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“Code Versioning in a Workflow Management System” by Alex Rolfe. Masters thesis, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, (Cambridge, MA), May 2002.


Workflow systems implement process definitions in laboratory, office, and industrial settings. In many cases, the process definition is implicit in the ad-hoc software written for a particular task. In other cases, a generic framework provides basic functionality and structure, offering quicker development and advanced features. Few workflow systems handle changes in the process definition or the implementing code. This work shows that complicated workflow processes can be composed of a few simple primitives and that changes in the workflow structure and code can be managed effectively.

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BibTeX entry:

   author = {Alex Rolfe},
   title = {Code Versioning in a Workflow Management System},
   school = {MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science},
   address = {Cambridge, MA},
   month = may,
   year = {2002}

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