1) If necessary, update the version numbers on all associated plug-ins. The standard is that all edu.mit plug-ins and features have the same version number x (i.e. 1.1.2), and the org.eclipse plug-ins have version number x + 2.0.0 (i.e. 3.1.2). 2) Go to feature.xml. Update the version number, and make sure that all the plug-in contents are correctly updated. 3) Delete old source folders from .source, and old plug-ins from continuoustester-site. 4) For each plugin except .source, and the feature, right-click the plugin.xml file and choose "PDE Tools > Create Ant Build File". This is a pain, since you have to do it five times or so, but I haven't found a way to automate it yet. 5) Delete any jar files you find in the root directory of each plugin and feature. [STEPS 6 AND 7 CURRENTLY DON'T WORK: WE'RE NOT SHIPPING WITH A SOURCE PLUGIN] 6) Browse in edu.mit.lcs.pag.continuoustester.source to the folder localbuild and select build.xml. Right click and select Run > Ant Build. 7) Press F5 to refresh the source directory and make sure there are the proper number of source files in it. 8) On each plugin and the feature, open the build.xml you created in step 4, select the "update.jar" target, and use Run As > Ant Task. There are shortcuts, such as using Build Site on the site.xml file, or Export Features, but in my experience, they don't work. 8.5) Copy the update jars (they end with a version number) to the appropriate places within continuoustester-site. 9) Copy the site files to the website, at pag/docroot/www.pag.csail.mit.edu/continuoustesting/updates 10) Edit the website to point to the correct source zip, this means on "download.html" change "plugins/edu.mit.lcs.pag.continuoustester.source_X.X.X.jar" to the same thing with different X's. 11) Create the continuoustesting.tar.gz file and throw it on the website.