Fall 2013

6.888 Lab 1: OFDM Transceiver

Lab 1 Part A: Due Friday Sept. 20, 11:59 pm
Lab 1 Part B: Due Friday Sept. 27, 11:59 pm


In this lab, you will learn how to design a simple OFDM physical layer chain. You will need to design and write the code for each block of the RX and TX chains shown below. The code for this lab will be written in matlab. We will provide you with a skeleton code. Ideally, you will only need to modify the places where you see : "... add your code here ..." . We will provide you with wireless signals on which you can test your code. The lab will be divided into several tasks. Each task will require you to run some test script which will output a file or plot a figure. You will have to keep the figures and the output files and submit them along with your src code.

For a detialed description of each block's functionality, you can refer to chapter 3 of this THESIS, and chapter 2 of TEXTBOOK 1.

You can download a copy of the lab code here : 6.888_lab1.zip

The code has 4 subfolders:
  • SRC_CODE: You need to implement these functions.
  • Test_Scripts: Code to test the functions you implement.
  • Mat_Files: Signals to test your code.
  • Results: This folder is initially empty. The test scripts will output files in this folder
The above folders should contain the following files:

SRC_CODE Test_Scripts Mat_Files Results
tx_ofdm_chain.m test_tx_ofdm_chain.m Test_TX.mat
packet_detection.m test_packet_detection.m Test_Packets.mat
rx_ofdm_chain_synced.m test_rx_ofdm_chain_synched.m Test_RX_Synced.mat
test_phase_tracking.m Test_Phase_Tracking_R.matResult_Phase_Tracking.mat
rx_ofdm_chain.m test_rx_ofdm_chain.m Test_RX_Chain.mat
. Parameters.mat .

Lab 1 : Part A : OFDM Basic RX/TX

Due Friday Sept. 20, 11:59 pm

In the first part of the lab, we will assume that the transmitter and receiver oscillators are synchronized. You do not need to estimate and correct for the carrier frequency offset (CFO) or perform phase tracking. Hence, you do not need to implement the 2nd and 5th blocks of the RX Chain. For the purpose of this lab, we will only use BPSK modulation. For both parts of this lab, you will use the OFDM paramters shown in the table below. The wariables are stored in the matlab file: Parameters.mat. The code loads these variables into the workspace so you can immediately use them.

Parameter VariableValue
Carrier Frequency fc5.25 GHz
Sampling frequency fs128 MHz
Subcarrier width w1 MHz
Number of Subcarriers / Symbol length num_bins 128 bins / samples
Cyclic Prefix cp 51 samples
Number of preamble symbols num_syms_preamble8
Number of data symbols num_syms_data 72
Signal Length num_samples13963
Number of data subcarriers num_bins_data 92
Number of pilot subcarriers num_bins_pilots 8
Pilot Subcarriers pilots [-39, -28, -17, -6, 6, 17, 28, 39]
Gaurd/ Unused Subcarriers gaurd_bins [-64,...,-51, 0, 51,...,63]
Preamble Bits bits_preamble ...
Pilot Bits bits_pilots [1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0]

Task 1: TX Chain

Implement the function tx_ofdm_chain.m. The function should take the data bits as input and should output the complex signal. To test your code, use the file Test_TX.mat. This file has 2 variables: bits_data and tx_signal which is the expected correct output.
  • Run the code test_tx_ofdm_chain.m. It will output the file Result_TX_Chain.mat and will plot Result_TX_Chain.fig

Task 2: Packet Detection

Implement the function packet_detection.m. It should take a complex signal as input and return the index of the first sample in the packet. You can use the signals in Test_Packets.mat to check if your packet detection works. This file has two variables: signals which has 100 different received complex wireless signals and packets_start_index which has 100 indicies correponding to the start of each packet.
  • Run the code test_packet_detection.m. It will output the file Result_Pkt_Start.mat

Task 3: Channel Estimation

Implement the function estimate_channel.m. The function should take as input two received OFDM symbols and should output the complex wireless channel estimate. Then, implement correct_channel.m. The function should take an OFDM symbol in the frequency domain along with an estimate of the channel and should output the symbol after compensating for the channel.
  • Run the code test_estimate_channel.m. It will output a file Result_Channel_Estimation.mat and a figure Result_Channel.fig.
  • Run the code test_correct_channel.m. It will output the figure Result_Cons_Channel_Corr.fig.

Task 4: RX Chain

Implement the function rx_ofdm_chain_synced.m. The function should take as input a complex signal and output the data bits (you can assume that the pilots are data bits for this task). To test your code, use the file Test_RX_Synced.mat. This file has 2 variables: bits_data and rx_signal.
  • Run the code test_rx_ofdm_chain_synced.m. It will output the file Result_RX_Chain_Synced.mat


  • There are 8 preamble symbols. The first 4 are for packet detection. The next 2 are for CFO estimation and the last 2 are for channel estimation.

  • Make sure you add cyclic prefix for each symbols starting with the last preamble symbol.

  • Make sure to use the proper mapping between bits and symbols in your modulation and demodulation. 0 maps to 1, 1 maps to -1.

  • Make sure to use the proper subcarrier indicies. Because of fftshit, the index of the subcarrier in the fft (1 to 128) is not the same as its normal index (-64 to 63). For example, the subcarrier with index -1 becomes 128 after the fftshift. Use the supplied functions convert_bin_index_fft_to_normal.m and convert_bin_index_normal_to_fft.m to move between the two.

  • The preamble does not need pilots and thus the variable bits_preamble has hundred bits

  • For the variabls bits_preamble and bits_data, the first bit should map to the first subcarrier in the fft subcarrier indexing and so on (e.g. bits_preamble(1) is assigned to fft subcarrier index 2 and bits_preamble(51) is assigned to fft subcarrier index 75). However, for the variable bits_pilots, the first bit should map to the first subcarrier in the normal indexing (i.e. [1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0] are assigned to normal subcarrier indicies [-39, -28, -17, -6, 6, 17, 28, 39] respectively).

  • For the double sliding window packet detection, you can use a detection thershold of 6. You can also try different thresholds and pick the one with the least error.

  • Idealy, you need only 2 preamble symbols for packet detection use double sliding window. You can use 4 preambles to improve the accuracy by using a larger window or implementing the delay and correlate packet detection on the next 2 preamble symbols.

  • In channel estimation and correction, make sure to ignore the unused subcarriers.

  • In this part of the lab, you can ignore the pilot subcarriers while decoding the signal in the RX chain but not while encode the signal in the TX chain.

  • Make sure to compenstate fo the cyclic prefix bofore you run the FFT in the RX chain.

  • Make sure to skip enough samples of the cyclic prefix (3/4 of cp) to avoid inter symbol interference.


Submit your code via the class's submission website, located here: https://haithamh.scripts.mit.edu:444/6.888/handin.py

You may use your MIT Certificate or request an API key via email to log in for the first time.

Compress you folder and name it lab1a-handin.zip.

Upload that file to the submission website via the webpage or use curl and your API key:

    $ curl -F file=@lab1a-handin.zip \
      -F key=XXXXXXXX \

Lab 1 : Part B : OFDM Phase Tracking

Due Friday Sept. 27, 11:59 pm

In this lab, you will implement the CFO estimation and correction block and the phase tracking block.

Task 1: CFO Estimation and Correction

Implement the function estimate_cfo.m. The function should take as input two received OFDM symbols and output an estimate of the CFO. Then, implement correct_cfo.m. The function should take a signal in the time domain along with an estimate of the CFO and should output the signal compensating for the CFO.
  • Run the code test_estimate_cfo.m. It will output the file Result_CFO_estimation.mat.
  • Run the code test_correct_cfo.m. It will output the file Result_CFO_Correction.mat and the figure Result_Cons_CFO_Corr.fig which shows the constellation before and after CFO correction but before channel estimation.

Task 2: Phase Tracking

Implement the function estimate_residual_cfo_sfo.m. The function should take as input a received OFDM symbol in the frequency domain along with an estimate of the the channel and should output an estimate of the residual CFO and SFO. Then, implement correct_residual_cfo_sfo.m. The function should take as input an estimate of the channel along with the residual CFO and SFO and should output a new estimate of the channel after compensating for CFO and SFO.
  • Run the code test_phase_tracking.m. It will output the file Result_Phase_Tracking.mat and the figure Result_Cons_Phase_Track.fig which shows the constellation with and without phase tracking.


Task 3: RX Chain

Implement the function rx_ofdm_chain.m. The function should take as input a complex signal and output the data bits. To test your code, use the file Test_RX.mat. This file has 2 variables: bits_data and rx_signal.
  • Run the code test_rx_ofdm_chain.m. It will output the file Result_RX_Chain.mat


  • Incorporate the phase tracking correction in the channel value i.e. update the channel h from symbol to symbol so that the phase does not accumulate so much that it starts wraping around 2pi. This also will allows us to automatically correct for the initial channel as well as all the accumulated phase when we run correct_channel.m.

  • In phase tracking, when estimating the slope make sure that the indicies of the pilot subcarriers are in the normal -64...63

  • In phase tracking, you can use the builtin matlab functions regress( ) or robustfit( ) for estimating the slope of the phase.


Submit your code via the class's submission website, located here: https://haithamh.scripts.mit.edu:444/6.888/handin.py

You may use your MIT Certificate or request an API key via email to log in for the first time.

Compress you folder and name it lab1b-handin.zip.

Upload that file to the submission website via the webpage or use curl and your API key:

    $ curl -F file=@lab1b-handin.zip \
      -F key=XXXXXXXX \

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