Comments on the MICANTS maintenance scheduling scenario Jon Doyle April 4, 2000 The scenario seems good in many respects, and a good base on which to build. This note lists some additions that may prove necessary and comments on selected aspects. 1. The main thing missing in this scenario, at least as far as I understand the new domain, is any representation of units and their missions, whether ongoing or specific. The aim of maintenance, and the guidance to scheduling it, comes from trading off these missions to achieve readiness for different tasks as it is needed. The current scenario lists only maintenance tasks, and leaves all the mission information unrepresented. Presumably the collection of agents should be expanded to include Mission Agents and Unit Agents, in addition to the Maintenance Task Agents. Mission and Unit agents will provide the guidance needed for the negotiation of maintenance tasks. There may also be direct negotiation among the mission agents when resource degredation prevents all missions from being carried out. I can't tell if the Maintenance Supervisor Agent or one of the Resource agents is supposed to embody mission information and tradeoffs. If they are, I suggest we break out these separable bodies of information, especially as we will have to consider tradeoffs among separate missions. 2. The "criticality curve" concept offers an illustration of the lack of mission information. Presumably "criticality" is a more general concept that depends on mission and other factors. The temporal information described here might better be called an "urgency curve". Nomenclature aside, it isn't clear why this temporal factor in utility is separated out at this level. Presumably the temporal factor depends on the mission, along with other mission-specific factors, and so can't be associated with an action independent of the mission; instead, one must get the urgency curve for the action from the mission. 3. From some points of view we may need to break resources down hierarchically. The main case has to do with facility scheduling, in which one may wish to treat particular time slots on the bay or tool as the resources for negotiation, not the bay or tool itself. That's it for the substantive comments at present. One additional but minor bug is that the scenario document itself prints out improperly under both Solaris and Windows. The symptom is that some words get run together or even partially superposed. I first suspected some error connected with linefeeds on whatever machine the document is being prepared, but am less sure of that since the same thing happens on platforms with different line-ending conventions.