In Memoriam
1/15/94 - 1/21/96

Above: Helen says, "hello."
I'm sad to say that Helen passed away around 12:45am on January 22nd, 1996. She had been ill for some time, and, despite my best efforts and many trips to the vet, there was nothing I could do about her simply being an old hamster. She was a good friend.

I've got lots of pictures of Helen that never got scanned in. I hope to put some online soon.

Helen was a teddy bear hamster whose favorite things in life were lettuce, apples, running in the hamster wheel, and sweet and sour sauce. She also liked sleeping in the tubes stretching out of the top of her cage and chewing on Pop-Tart boxes.

More Hamster Stuff

Maybe someday I'll be able to put Helen's movie, "Helen: Out for Blood" (made by the Children of Florey while I was out of town) online in some suitable format. For now, though, some pictures will have to do.

Here's Helen flying down Bemis in a helium balloon contraption. When not in the balloon, she often liked to run around in her hamster ball and attack cats.

Here's Helen eating her favorite...sweet & sour sauce. Well, ok. She liked lettuce and apples better.

Rose the cat watching "cat TV" (Helen's cage). Rose and Helen actually got along pretty well, and he would let her walk around on his back.

Helen gives a "thumbs-up" to our video tape collection. Or maybe she's just cleaning herself.

Yikes! Don't chew those wires....

Helen narfs down a slice of apple. Yum!

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