studentAUT Project
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These are the two proposals cited in my earlier (but late and rushed) effort to try for Pilot Project I-Campus funding for "The AUT Project". That proposal, "The AUT Project for Concept Engineering" still can be viewed and commented on through the I-Campus system, if you register as an MIT or MS Research person. I knew at the time that it was unlikely that my proposal would make the cut, but I wanted to be responsive to the opportunity. You will see in its first paragraph that a The Tech ad was my preferred route to get started, even then. I just was too slow and late!

I also realized that the comment facility would be of real help to gather inputs before the Jan.15 Student Proposal deadline.

In any case, here are the two proposals cited there, but in reverse (now the preferred order, see above for why) so you get the big picture first.

Applied Understanding Technology (AUT)

A New Capability for Enabling Concept Engineering

The Need -- The Prospect -- The Product -- The Rationale -- The Pragmatics -- The Result -- IDEF -- Basics -- Modeling -- Sharing -- Inheritance

See the proposal

(The references to IDEF0 in the 1944 proposal are not part of my current interest but I have left them in. "IDEF0" in Google today (1/6/00) gives 1,360 hits. That shows there's clout in the old spin-off of the original SADT, but this time, let's do the job right. )

RSADT: The Enabler of Applied Understanding Technology (AUT)

A surprise about "algebra" is in store for you. The top also says who I am, this being the start of that proposal.

See the proposal

Date last modified: 1/8/00 4:44PM