Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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L. M. Roth and K. Princis.
The Cockroach Genus Calolampra of Australia with Descriptions of New Species (Blaberidae).
Psyche 80:101-158, 1973.

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Princis (1963) listed 23 species of Calolmzpra, thirteen of them from Australia and thte others from Africa, India, Burma, China, Sarawak and the Philippines. Calolampra sindamis from the Hima- layas was described by Baijal and Kapoor (1966). Recently, the African species were placed in a new genus Pseudocalolampra (Roth and Princis, 1971 ) and Cahtanzpra laevis (Brunner v. W.) from Burma and China was assigned to the nsw genus Calolamprodes ( Bey-Bienko, I 969). Of the other species, "Calolampra" brunneri (Brancsik) is a mislabeled Derocalymma cruralis, and "C." punctosa (Walker) belongs to the genus Laxta (Princis, 1967, p. 708). Calolampra truncata (Brunner v. W.) was listed by Princis (1967, p. 627)
under the genus Rhabdoblatta. In this paper we describe 26 species of Australian Calolmra, of which 12 are new. Five species, C. gracilis (Brunner v. W), C. atoinlfera (Walker), C. not&& (Walker), C. sigmtura (Walker), and C. propria (Walker) have been considered to be synonyms of C. irrorata (Fabr.) (Princis, 1963). Of these, propria is a synonym of C. atomifera (Walker) ; the other 4, we believe, are valid species. The genitalia of Calolampra consist of 3 major phallomeres (Fig. I). An Lad (dorsal sclerite of the second left phallomere) is apparently absent. The prepuce is covered with n~ic~otrichia, curves upward and is fused to the L2vm. When well developed the prepuce is cup-shaped and with Lavm as a handle looks like a ladle; rarely is the prepuce unmodified (e.g. Fig. 82). LI (first sclerite of left phallomere) and R2 (hooked sclerite of the right phallomere) is well developed and lacks a subapical incision. The hypandrium (subgenital plate) is symmetrical and bears 2 small equal sized styli. All photographs of genitalia, supra-anal plate, and hypandrium are from specimens treated with 10% KOH, dehydrated. and mounted in Permount.
Supra-anal plates were mounted dorsal wr- face upward and subgenital plates ventral side uppermost. One or --
'Pioneering Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, Natick, Massachusetts 01760.
'Zoological Institute, Lund University, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden. Manuscript received by the editor March 26, 1973. Ps-iihe 80:101-158 (1973). http://psychc cnIclub org^OffiO- Kll html


Psyche [March-Join
re; L2vm =
- prepuce;


19731 Roth &? Princis - Genus Calolanzpra 103 both cerci or styli may be missing from the figures,, but it is the shape of the hind margins of the supra-anal and subgenital plates which are of some diagnostic value. Because the supra-anal and sub- genital plates were mounted on slides, their flattened shapes may differ from that seen in dried pinned specimens. For example, Rehn and Hebard ( 1927, p. 239, and plate XVIII, figs. 8, 9) described the supra-anal plate of CaloZanzpra aliena as ". . . transverse, sub- rectangulate, distal margin weakly arcuate, . . ." and the subgenital plate (p. 240) as ". . . slightly asymmetrical distal margin mesad arcuato-emarginate . . .". The shapes of these structures (from the same specimen) when cleared and mounted on a slide do not agree with the above description (Figs. 87, 88). The first tergite of some male Calolampra may have elevations or ridges which appear to be tergal glands
(Figs. I 5, 199) probably
involved in sexual behavior (Roth, 1969). However, some males have slight ridges which do not appear to1 be glandular; regardless of the nature of these modifications, the pattern formed by them has some diagnostic value ( Figs. 260-279).
The following abbreviations are used for localities, and source (museums) of the specimens examined : A Ì Australia; (BMNH) = British Museum (Natural History), London; (L) = Lund Museum, Zoological Institution, Lund, Sweden; (MCZ) = Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.; N.S.W. = New South Wales, Australia; N.T. = Northern Territory, Australia; Q = Queensland, Australia.; (QM) = Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia; S.A. = South Australia; (SAM) = South Australian Museum, Adelaide, South Australia; ( SM ) = Stockholm Museum, Stockholm, Sweden ; (USNM) = United States National Museum, Washington, D.C. ; V. = Victoria, Australia; (VM) = Vienna Natural History Mu- seum, Vienna, Austria; W.A. = Western Australia; (WAM) = Western Australian Museum, Perth, Western Australia. The num- ber perceding some of the museum abbreviations refers to the num- ber assigned the specimen and its corresponding genitalia ( $ ) on a slide, which are deposited in their respective museums. The male genitalia of the Lund material were mounted between small cover slips and are attached to the pinned specimens. I. C. elegans sp. n.
(Figs. 2-5)
8 (Fig. 2). Apterous, nitid. Head piceous, nitid, with transverse yellow band between eyes on vertex. Antennae with their basal 10-15 segments nitid, piceous, remainder fuscous. Pro-, meso-, and


Figures 2-5. Cahlampra elegans. 8 (269 L, in SM), holotrpe, Peak Downs, Q. 2. Adult. 3-5. Genitalia., Scale: Fig. 2 = 5 mm; Figs. 3-5 0.25 mm.


19731 Roth ^3 Princis - Genus Calolarnpra 105 metanotum bicolored, with evenly scattered impressed punctures. Pronotum with piceous disk on reddish-yellow ground, bordered all around with piceous. Meso- and metantoturn piceous, with yellow maculae bordered with piceous and imitating vestigial tegmina and wings. First tergite unmodified piceous, the others mostly brown with yellowish flecks laterally on each side. Supra-anal plate sordid- yellowish, transverse, its posterior margin slightly emarginate mes- ally. Cerci brownish, hardly surpassing the posterior margin of supra-anal plate. Venter of abdomen piceous laterally, brownish mesally. Hypandrium transverse, symmetrical, provided with 2 short styles ; posterior margin slightly emarginate mesally. Legs piceous to castaneous, only middle and posterior coxae margined posteriorly with yellow. Lower anterior marign of front femur armed with I distal, and 4 additional spines at the proximal half; lower posterior margin of same bearing I distal and I additional spine. Lower an- terior margin of middle femur with I distal and 3 additional spines; lower anterior margin of hind femur with I distal and 3 or 4 addi- tional spines. Lower posterior margin of mid femur with I distal spine only; same margin of hind femur unarmed. Caudal basitarsus decidedly longer than the succeeding tarsal joints together, with small apical pulvillus. Tarsal claws symmetrical, ai-olia very small. Genitalia as figured (Figs. 3-5) ; prepuce poorly developed (Fig. 3). Length of body 23 mm; length of pronotum 7 mm; width of pro& notum 10 mm.
This new species differs from all known species of Calolampra by the absence of tegmina and wings in the male sex. Q. Unknown, but it is probably apterous. Material examined: (269 L in SM) (holotype) Peak Downs, Q. The type specimen is unique.
2. C. darlingtoni sp. n.
(Figs. 6-13)
(Fig. 8).
pro no tun^ triangular, widest at posterior margin ; disk speckled with black and with small reddish dots placed among the black speckles; lateral margins yellow with small reddish dots and larger dark ones ; the narrow yellowish hind margin with a series of black longitudinal striae. Head pale yellowish with a blackish patch in interocular-ocellar area. Antennae proximally yellowish, distally dull ferrugineous. Tegmina reduced to lateral pads hardly exceeding hind margin of mesonotum; outer as well as sutural margin convex; sutural half speckled with dark brown (Fig. 9). Wings absent. Mesonotum, metanotum, and tergites speckled with black


I 06 Psyche [March-June
Figures 6-13. CaMampra dariingioni. 6. 9 (136 MCZ), paratype. Alagate, Mfc Lofty Range, S. A. 7. Tegmen of ? shown in figure 6. 8. $ (140 MCZ), holotype, The Creel, Mt. Kosciusko, N.S.W. 9. Tegmen of 8
shown in figure 8.
10-11. Genitalia. 12-13. Supra-anal and subgenital plates. Scale: Figs. 6, B = 3 mm; Figs. 7, 9, 12-13 0.5 mm; Figs. 10-11
- 0.2 mm.


19731 Roth &f Princis - Genus Calolampra 107 and dotted with reddish in the same fashion as pronotum; longi- tudinal striae present on their hind margins. First tergite unmodi- fied. Weakly emarginate supra-anal plate (Fig. 12) and cerci dull yellowish. Sternites yellowish with reddish dots and speckles; black stigmatic spots decided. Hypandrium dull yellowish with mesally incised hind margin (Fig. I 3 ) . Genitalia shown in figures 10- I I. Legs yellow with deep brown spines; tarsal claws symmetrical, well developed arolia present. Length of body 17 mm; length of pro-
notum 4.5 mm; width of pronotum 7.2 mm; length of tegmina 3 mm.
$ (Fig. 6). Somewhat larger than male. Head pale brownish with a wide black band between eyes, extending decidedly beyond interocular space. Tegrnina obliquely truncate (Fig. 7). Supra-anal plate and cerci speckled with dark. Subgenital plate almost entirely black except the reddish middle part. Very small arolia present. Length of body 18.5-20 mm; length of pronotum 4.5 mm; width of pronorturn 7.5-8 mm; length of tegmina 3-4.5 mm. Material examined : d ( I 40 MCZ) (holotype, herewith desig- nated). The Creel, Mt. Kosciusko (3000 ft.), N.S.W. 14, 15. XII.193 I, Darlington leg; ? ( 136 MCZ) (paratype), Alagate, Mt. Lofty Range, S.A., 2g.XI.1931, Darlington leg.; ? (SAM) S.A. (without exact locality).
The species is named in honor of Dr. Philip Darlington, who collected the holotype.
3. C. truncata (Brunner v. W.)
(Figs. I 4-20)
Epilampra truncata Brunner v. W., Nouv. Syst. Bl., 1865, p. 178, 9. d (Fig. 14). Tegrnina truncate, reduced, and extending only to about the hind margin of second tergite; sutural half of tegrnen covered with large irregular shaped dark dots (Fig. 14) ; wings
reduced to round'ed "leathery" lappets which reach only to hind margin of first tergite (Fig. I 5 ) and are completely hidden under the tegmina. Abdomen pale, speckled with black, each tergite and sternite with a pair of large sublateral dark blots, anteriorly. Ter- gite I modified (Fig. 15). Supra-anal (Fig. 18) and subgenital (Fig. 19) plates rounded. Male genitalia as figured (Figs. 16-17). Legs pale brown, arolia well developed. Length of body 16 mm; length of pronotum 4.6 mm; width of pronotum 7.2 mm; length of anterior margin of tegmen 5.6 mm; length of wing 3 mm. 9 (Fig. 20). Head black, vertex brown. Pronotum testaceous


I 08 Psyche [March-June
Figures I+-20.
Culolampra frwicata. 1+-1^. 2 (S 5 MCZ), Salishirry Ct., N.S.W. 14. Male. 15. Modified (arrow) first abdominal tergite and wings (tv). 16-17. Male genitalia. 18-19. Supra-anal plate and h~pandrium. 20. 9 (ZVM), hoiotype, Sydney, N.S.W. Scale : Fig. 14 = 2 mm ; Figs. 16- 17 = 0.2 mm; Figs. 18-19 ^ 0.5 rnm, Fig. 20 = 3 mm.


19731 Roth 3 Princis - Genus Calolmnpra 109 with disc fuscous; whole surface of pi-onotum furnished with small impressed punctures and among them larger fuscous flecks. Tegrnina obliquely truncate, with sutural margin decidedly shorter than an- terior one; veins distinct, wings reduced to lateral pads hidden under tegmina. Abdomen brown speckled with black. Tergites pro- vided on their hind margins with longitudinal striae, distance be- tween them about I mm. Supra-anal plate rounded. Legs brown. Length of body 19 mm; length of pronotum 5.5 mm; width of pro- notum 8 mm; length of anterior margin of tegmina 5.3 mm; length of s~tui-al margin of tegmina 3.8 mm.
Material examined: 9 (2 VM) (holotype), Sydney, N.S.W.; d' (85 MCZ), Salisbury Ct., N.S.W., ex Wheeler Collection. 4. C. ignota sp. n.
(Figs. 21-26, 278)
Syn : C. fraserensis Princis (nec Tepper 1893), Lund Univ. Arsskr., N. I?. Avd. 2, Vol. 50:13 (also: Kungl. Fysiogs. Salsk. i Lund, Handl., N. F. Vol. 65:13, 1954, p. 31, 6 9.) 6 (Fig. 21). Head lacking (probably reddish). Pronotum el- liptical with yellowish lateral margins which are connected anteriorly and bear scattered blackish dots ; disk with symmetrically arranged black and reddish-brown speckles and streaks; hind margin provided with black longitudinal striae. Tegrnina somewhat exceeding apex of abdomen, brown with whitish costal margins and black humeral streaks; the usual dark speckling is lacking and tegmina appear solidly colored throughout (the normally covered part of the right tegmen is somewhat darker). Wings as long as tegmina, brown with deep brown veins. First tergite as figured (Fig. 278). Hind margins of supra-anal plate (Fig. 22) and hypandrium (Fig. 23) weakly ernarginate mesally. Venter and legs yellowish. R2 of genitalia apically bifurcate (Fig. 24) (prepuce and Lr accidentally lost). Arolia lacking. Length of body 18 mrn; length of pronotum 4.8 mm ; width of pronotum 6 mm; length of tegrnina 18 mm. $ (Fig. 25). Head yellowish, with reddish-brown band between eyes; face regularly arcuate with occiput (no angulation). Pronotum transverse, but less than 2 times broader than long; disk provided with several impressed punctures (not numerous fine dots) ; hind margin of pronotum convex, at least in its middle part ; latero-caudal angles not produced backwards; dark longitudinal raised striae on hind margin of pronotum. Tegmina reduced to lateral lappets, their apices subacuminate (Fig. 26) ; edging of outer margin brown.


10 Psyche arch-~une
Figures 21-26. Caiolumpra ignota. 21-24. 8 (1 WAM), holotype, Bu- long, W. A.21. Adult. 22-23. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 24. R2 of genitalia. 25. ? (179 L), paratype, Norseman, W. A. 26. Tepen of female shown in figure 25. Scale: Figs. 21, 25 = 3 mm; Figs. 22-23 0.5 mm;
Fig. 24. = 0.1 mm; Fig, 26 = 1 mm.


19731 Roth & Princis - Genus CaZoZanz$ra 111 Wings absent. Dorsum of abdomen with dark ma,culation on pale ground, underside reddish) laterally somewhat darker; the dark striae on hind margins of tergites usually reduced to raised acuminate tubercles, especially on the distal tergites. Legs yellowish ; lower -
posterior margin of hind femora completely unarmed. Length of
body I 7-5-23 mm; length of pronotum 4.5-6 mm; width of pronotum 8.5-10 mm; length of tegmina 3.6-5 mm,
Material examined: 8 (I WAM) (holotype, herewith desig- nated), Bulong, W. A. 193 I. This specimen was recorded by Prin- cis as C. fraserensis; $? (179 L) ( paratype) ) Norseman, 147. A. 1940; $? (SAM), Camp 23) 1894) Horn Explor. Exped.; $? (SAM) Murray Bridge, S. A., 12.X1.1909 (killed by ants), Tepper leg; $? (SAM) Adelaide, S. A. 8.V1.1895.
5. C. fiauZa (Tepper)
(Figs. 27-41, 261)
Ep2ampra Paula Tepper, Trans. R. SOC. S. Austral. XVII, 1893, p. 60, 8 only.
8 (Fig. 27). Pronotum elliptical, whitish to yellowish with scattered black or reddish impressed dots; disk of pronotum with black syn~metri,cal figure; hind margin with a row of dark I-ather 1,ong longitudinal s,triae. Tegmina with yellowish costal field and black humeral stripe) which beyond middle is divided into separate oblique streaks; remainder is either nearly uniform brownish OF speckled with dark. Wings as long as tegmina, darkened and with brownish veins. First tergite as figured (Fig. 261). Hind margins of supra-anal plate (Figs. 28, 33) 38) and hypandrium (Figs. 29) 34, 39) mesally emarginate. Genitalia as shown in figures 30-32, 35-37) 40, 41; R2 and prepuce somewhat variable (cf. Figs, 31, 36, 41). Legs yellowish ; lower posterior margin of hind femora unarmed. Arolia present. Length of body 13-14 mm ; length of pronotum 3.2- 3.6 mm; greatest width of pronotum 4.6-6 mm; length of tegmina 13-15 mm.
9. Clouded dull brown. Pronotum provided with numerous fine, impressed dots. Dorsal thoracic segments with black irregular mark- ings and black striae on their hind margins. Abdominal tergites likewise with raised longitudinal striae on hind margins; these striae are relatively long, equaling about % to of tergal length. Teg- mina reduced to lateral lappets) their apices subacuminate. Wings absent. Length of body 17-18 mm; length of pronotum 4.5 mm; width of pronotum 6.8-7 mm; length of tegmina 3 mm,


Figures 27-32. Calolampra puah 27-32. 8 (2 SAM), Iectotype, Ardros- Ran, S. A. 27. Adult. 2S-29* Supra-anal and subgenital platm. 30-32. Gni-
(Fiz, 32 is a ventral view), Scale: Fig, 27 = 3 tnm; Figs. 2%-29 =


Roth & Prkch - Genus @?ohpra
Figurea 33-41. t?a~ohtpru puda. hhle supra-anal platen> subgenital plates, and genitdia, 33-37. (21 SAM), Rudy Hole, N. T, 38-41. (20 SAM), Cunn~ulla, Q. Scale: Figs. 33-34, 38-39 = 0.5 mm; Figs. 35-37, 44-41 0.1 mm.


1 I4 Psych
Material examined : d (2 SAM), (lectotype, herewith desig- nated), Ardrossan, S. A., 11.1879, J. G. 0. Tepper leg. ; d' (20
SAM), Cunnamulla, Q., H. Hardcastle leg.; d (21 SAM), Rudy Hole, N. T., 1894, Horn Explor. Exped.; 2 (SAM) Rudy Hole, N.T., 1894, Horn Explor. Exped.; nymph (SAM), Para- chilna Hale) Flinders Range, s. A.; nymph (SAM) Port Lincoln, S. A., Lea leg.;; 2 nymphs (SAM), Rudy Hole, N. T., 1894, Horn Explor. Exped. ; nymph (SAM), Everard Rgs., S. A. to JV'arberton Rgs., W. A., A. Brumley leg.; nymph (SAM), near Fi-aser's Hul, 111.1950) 'C. G. Gross leg.
6. C. cmzdidula Shaw
(Figs. 42-49> 266)
Calolampra candidula Shaw) Proc. Linn. SOC. N. S. Wales 50) 1925, p. 175) Fig. 3, 8.
(Fig. 42).
Head yellowish with a transverse row of four black mactdae between eyes. Antennae with the basal one-fourth pale yellowish and remainder ferrugineous. Pronotum elliptical, yellowish with a symmetrical black macula on disk and with hind margin black lined, Tegmina considerably exceeding the apex of abdomen, diaphanous with whitish veins which bear scattered brown- ish dots; black humerd stripe present. JVings as long as tegmina, pellucid with whitish veins. Abdomen above and below yellow. First tergite as figured (Fig. 266). Hind margin of supra-anal plate very slightly emarginate mesally (Fig. 43). Hind margin of hypandrium distinctly emarginate (Fig. 44). Genitalia shown in figures 45-47. Legs yellowish. VVell developed arolia present. Length of body 22-23 mm; length of pronotum 5.3 mm; width of pronotum 7.5 mnl ; length of tegmina 23.5-28 mm. 9 (Fig. 48). Hlead yellowish with a black, medially interrupted, transverse band between eyes. Pronotum with disk thickly speckled with black and reddish; lateral margins yellow with small reddish dots and darker dots among the smaller ones; the narow yellow hind margin provided with a series of black longitudinal striae. Tegmina lobiforn~, apex rotmded (Fig. 49) reaching % of their length beyond hind margin of mesmotum; j7ello~ with scattered reddish and dark brown dots which are concentrated in the sutural half. hfesonotum, metanotum and tergites speckled with black and reddish; hind margins provided with series of black longitudinal striae. Cerci and supra-anal plate yellow, the latter dotted with small reddish and several larger dark brown dots among the smaller ones. Sternites


Figures 4249- cuio&n$ru cundidda. 42-46. 8 (1 QM), ~ulotype, Bellevue, Q. 42. Adult, 43-44. Supra-am1 plate and hypanctrium, 45-47. Genitalia. 48-49. 9 (116 MCZ), Cairne9 Q. 48. Fernale. 49, Tegmen of female shown in figure 48. Scale: Fig. 42 = 4 mm; Figs. 43-44 = 0.5 mm; Figs. 45-47 = 0.1 mm; Fjg. 48
3 mm; Fig, 49 = 1 m.


116 Psyche [March-June
yellowish brown, subgenital plate deep brown. Legs yellowish with brown spines ; tarsal claws symmetrical ; very small arolia present. Length of body 21 mm; length of pronotum 7 mm; width of pro- notum 12 mm ; length of tegmina 5 mm.
Distribution: Aramac, Q. and northeast corner of S. A. (Shaw, 1925, P. 175).
Material examined : d (I QM) (holotype), Bellevue, Q., 1917\ E. C. Hurtridge leg. ; 9 ( I I 6 MCZ) , Cairns, Q., Wheeler leg. 7. C. aspera (Tepper)
(Figs. 50-68, 262)
Epilampra aspera Tepper, Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia XVII, 1893, p. 62 8 9.
cf (Fig. 50). Head with a dark transverse interocular band which is continued on both sides towards clypeus. Pronoturn almost elliptical, but with the greatest width beyond middle; whitish to yellowish with scattered brown impressed punctures ; disk with dark symmetrical figure; the dark longitudinal striae of hind margin very short, mostly present on the edge of margin. Tegmina whitish or yellowish more or less distinctly speckled with brown (this speckling becoming indistinct in distal half of tegmina as well as in the nor- mally covered portion of the right tegmen) ; radius deep brown beyond middle breaking up into separate oblique lines. Wings as long as tegmina, pellucid with whitish to yellowish veins. First tergite as figured (Fig. 262). Supra-anal plate (Figs. 51, 57, 59, 64) as well as hypandrium (Figs. 52, 58, 60, 65) mesally emargi- nate. Genitalia shown in figures 53-56, 61-63, 66-68. Legs yellow- ish; lower posterior margin of hind femora unarmed. Well de- veloped arolia present. Length of body 17-20.5 mm ; length of pronotum 4.5-5 rnm; width of pronotum 6-7 mm; length of tegmina 19-20 min.
Pale ochraceous to dull brown. Head with a dark band be- tween eyes. Pronoturn provided with numerous, fine, impressed dots. Tergites asperous or rugose, distally with short raised tubercles which are generally provided with recurved sharp points. Tegmina lobi- form, subacuminate. Wings absent. Length of body 19.5-25 mm; length of pronotum 4.5-5.2 mm; width of pronotum 7.5-8.5 mm; length of t~gmina 3.8-4.5 mm.
Material examined: ~7 (3 SAM) (lectotype, herewith desig- nated), Western Plains, S. A., 29.XI.1888, A. G. Percy leg.; d (10 SAM), Clayton Crossing, S. A., 13.XI.1955 (at light), E. T.

Volume 80 table of contents