Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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E. A. Chapin.
Name Changes in Coccinellidae (Coleoptera).
Psyche 62:87-88, 1955.

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19551 Wilson - Belonopelta deletrix
1950. A fsmea dichthadiiforme e os esthdios evolutivos de Simopelta pergandei
(Forel), e a descrigzo de S. bicolor, n. sp. (Hym. Formicidae). Revista Ent., 21 : 369-380. BROWN, W. L.
1950. Morphological, taxonomic, and other notes on ants. Wasmann Jour. Biol., 8 :241-250.
1950. Vegetation zones of Mexico. Ecology, 31: 507-518. WHEELER, W. M.
1935. Ants of the genera Belonopelta Mayr and Simopelta Mann. Revista Ent., 5: 8-19.
NAME CHANGES IN COCCINELLIDAE. - Among the names proposed by E. Mulsant in his 1850 work on the family Coccinellidae several were preoccupied. Three of these, of interest to students of the neotropical fauna, seem not to have been corrected.
Neopalla new name
Pelina Mulsant, 1850, Species Trimik-es S6curipalpesY p. 229, 271; not Pelina Curtis, 1838, Guide Brit. Ins., ed. .'-
2, p. 291; not Pelina Haliday, 1839, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (I), vol. 3, p. 407.
Palla Mulsant, 1850, loc. cit., p. 273; not Palla Hubner, 1819, Verz. bekannt. Schmett., (3), p. 47; not Palla Billberg, 1820, Enum. Ins. Mus. Billberg, p. 90. Type of genus-Pelina (Palla) hydropica Muls. The genus Pelina was set up by Mulsant for two species, Pelina lebasi n. sp. and P. hydropica n. sp. For the second
of these he proposed a separate subgenus, under the name of Palla. Unfortunately, both of these were pre- occupied. The writer has studied the anatomy of both species and does not believe that they should be separated Pu&e 62337-88 (1955). hup Ytpsychu einclub org/62/62-087.htd


88 Psyche [~une
subgenerically. The species, with synonymy, will stand as follows -
NeopaZZa hydropica (Muls.)
NeopaZZa lebasi (Mulls.)
Syn. Neda murilloi Chpn.
Dargo new name
Oeneis Mul,sant, 1850, loc. cit., p. 497, 500; not Oeneis Hiibner, 1819, Verz. bekannt. Schmett., (4), p. 58. Type of genus - Oeneis nigrans Muls.
Mulsant proposed the genus Oeneis for two Brazilian species, Oeneis obscura n. sp. and 0. nigrans n. sp. Crotch, in his Revision of Coccinellidae, 1874, p. 206, selected 0. nigmns Muls. as genotype and at the same time suppressed the genus as a synonym of Cryptognatha Muls. This may have been an unfortunate selection, for a study of the types of the two species may very well show that the two species are not congeneric and that 0. nigrans Muls. be- longs in what is now known as Delphastus Casey. If my supposition is correct, Dargo will fall as a synonym of Delphastus and a new genus will have to be defined fmor 0. obscura Muls. and its allies. - EDWARD A. CHAPIN, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College.


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