Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 387.
Psyche 5:387-391, 1888.

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August-October ~Sgo.] PSKxE. 387
edge is blackish on the Sth and 9th
segments, the vulvar lamina with the
lobes more pointed on the tip, and
better separated at the base.
If D. fl~tvicosta, as I believe, is
merely a variety of D. mad&, four
smaller females from Victoria,
Vancouver Island, July, can not be
separated. The smallest is 31 mm. in
length ; alar expanse 5omm. ; pterostig- ma z mm. The wings are fumose, the
anterior margin flavescent in one,
another has the base to the nodus or
only beyond the triangle flavescent ;
the anterior pale band on the sides of
the thorax is plainly visible; a large
black band on each side of the abdomen
is complete; in one female the black
extends from the end of the segments
to the middle ridge.
In the hornoffera as in other branches
of our favorite science a solid founda-
tion was laid by, that illi~~t~ious pioneer of American entomology, Thomas Say,
whose b~ ief but concise descriptions of many of our native insects have eli-
cited universal commendation from later
students. Scarcely inferior to that of
Say is the work done many years later
by Asa Fitch most of whose numerous
species may be readily recognized from
his short, clear diagnoses. Intermediate in point of time comes the work of
Thaddeus William Harris to whom,
however, we owe the description of but
very few homoptero~~s insects. In the
present paper I propose to give the cor- rected nomenclature of the Jzomo$/e?w
cicadinae described by these honored
leaders of American entomology so far
as it is known to myself or has been
made known by recent writers.
Many of these names have been in
common use for years, but a number
are to be found only in rare or little
known papers, and not a few are now
for the first time systematically placed. In a few cases where I still feel in doubt the reference is followed by a question
Of the 71 species described by Say
60 are known to me ; all of those cle-
scribed by Harris, 6 in number, and all
but 15 of the 74 species described by
Fitch. Two of those described by Say,
viz., yassus sanctus and Membracis
suJuIata, are, so far as I can learn, un- known to our later entomologists. In
the cicudz'a'ue and typhlocybidae I have quoted all references from the studies
of Messrs. Uhler and Woodworth
whose valuable synonymical notes on
these families may be found in Ent.
Amer. v. 4, 21 and 81, and PSYCHE,


388 PSYCHE. [August-October isgo.
v. 5, 13. 67 and 21 I. In these cases as in others where I have not personally
studied the insect I have appended my
authority for the name employed. To
species still unknown to me in nature I
have prefixed an asterisk.
The following species require no
change of name to bring them into
correspondence with our modern no-
Cicada doi-sata.
* L L marginata.
* '- vitripennis.
Aphropl~orii 4-notata.
Tettigonia bifida.
(( hiel-oglyphica.
* Anotia burnetii.
* '' robertsonii.
* ' westwoodi.
Bruchomorpha dorsata.
Ceresa brevicornis.
* Cicada superba (auct. Wood-
* Cixius cinctifrons (auct. Ashmead).
* Cixius coloepi~~m (auct. Ashmead),
Cixius pini.
Clastoptera proteus.
* L ( pini(auct.Ashmead).
* Clastoptera testacea (auct. Ash-
* Cyrtosia fenestrata (auct. Uhler) .
Eucanthus orbitalis.
Gypona flavilineata.
L ( scarlatina.
Helochara commnnis.
Idiocerus alternatus ?
(' lachrymalis.
L L pallidus.
'' suturalis.
* Naso robertsoni (auct. Uhler).
Otiocerus amyoti.
* ' kirbyi.
LL signoreti.
Pediopsis trimaculata.
Penthimia americana.
Telamona concava.
' reclivata.
Tettigonia tripunctata.
Thelia crataegi.
Some of them will doubtless prove on
further study to be but varieties of other forms and a few may. yet have to be
placed as synonyms of earlier described
The following- names required to be
Aphrophora bilineata = Philaenus
lineatus Linn.
Cercopis bicincta = Monecphora id.
Cercopis obtusa Clastopera id.
Cercopis parallels = Aphrophora id.
Cercopis 4-angularis = Lepyronia id.
* Cicada aurifera = Cicada margin-
ata Say (auct. Woodworth).
Cicada hieroglyphics = Tettigea id,
(auct. Uhler) .
Cicada parvula = Carineta id. (auct,
Ulder) .
Cicada pruinosa = Cicada tibicen


August-October ~Sgo.] ~~~. 389
Linn. (auct. Wood worth), prob-
ably a variety.
Cicada rimosa =Tibicen id. (auct.
Cicada synodica = Tibicen id. (auct.
Delphax tricarinata.
No genus yet established seems
properly to include this species.
Flatd bivittata = Aniphiscepa id.
Flata bullata = Thionea id.
* Flata conica.
This name is not changed by Mr.
Ashmead. (See Smith's Cat. Ins. of
New Jersey, p. 438.)
Flata humilis = Oliarus id.
Flata nava = Phypia ( ?) id.
* Flata opaca = Helicoptera id.
(auct. Uhler) .
Flata pallida = Helicoptera id.
Flata pruinosa = Ormenis id.
Flata 5-lineata = Oliasis id.
Flata stigmata = Cixius id.
Fulgora sulcipes = ~colo~s id.
Jassus acutus == Platymetopius id.
Jassus clitellai-ius = Thainnotettix id. Jassus immistus = Scaphoideus id.
Jassus inimicus == Deltocepl~alus id.
Jassus irroratus = Phlepsius id.
Jassue novellus = Agallia id.
Jassus olitorius = Jassus (as restricted by Stal) id.
Jassus seminudus = Athysanus id.
Jassus subbifasciatus =
torius Say 9.
* Jassus verticis.
Mr. Uhler places this
with Idiocerus $allidus
entosus Uh. Possibly
Jassus oli-
as congeneric
Fh. and ram-
it will prove
identical with Idiocerus alternutus Fh.
which name it would then supercede.
Membracis arquata.
This is congeneric with an uncle-
scribed form placed by Mr. Uhler in
Ophiderma Fairm,, but the transverse
apical cell of the elytra will perhaps
entitle them to generic distinction.
Membracis belligera = Platycotis id.
Meinbracis binotata = Enchenopa id.
Membracis calva = Acutalis id.
Membracis concava = Publilia id.
Mernbracis cliceros = Ceresa id.
Mernbracis festina = Stictocephala
Meinbracis goniph& = Stictoceph-
ala inermis Fab.
Membsacis inornata = Atymna id.
Membracis latipes = Campylenchia
curvata Fab.
Membracis inarmorata = Carynota
Membracis mera == Carynota id.
Membi-acis 4-vittata = Platy cotis id.
Membracis seinici-ema = Acutalis id.
* Membracis tartarea = Acutalis id.
(auct. Uhler) .
Membracis trilineata = Cyrtosia id.
This may prove to be a synonym of
C. mutica Fab.
Membracis vau = Cyi-tosia id.
Tettigonia basilaris = Typhlocyba
id. (auct. Woodw.)
* Tettigonia coagulata = Homalo-
disca id. (auct. Stil) .
~Tettigonia comes = Typhlocyba id.
(auct. Woodw.)
Tettigonia lirnbata = Oncometopia


390 PSYCHE. [August-October 1890.
Tettigonia mixta == Acocephal~~s id.
Tettigonia inollipes = Diech-oceplm-
la id.
Tettigonia obliqua = Typhlocyba id.
(auct. Woodw.)
* Tettigonia occatoria.
Dr. Stal does not change this com-
bined name in his HEMIP. MEXICANA.
Tettigonia octolineata. = Gypona id.
Tettigonia 4-vittata = Diedrocephala
coccinea Forst.
Tettigonia trifasciata = Typhlocyba
id. (auct. Woodw.)
* Tettigonia versuta ==. Diedroceph-
ala id. (auct. Woodw.)
Acocephalus vitellinus=Selenoceph-
alus id (auct. Ashmead).
Amblycephalus cui-tisii =. Athysanus
~mbl~c'e~halus melsheimeri = Del-
tocephalus id.
Amblycephtil~~s sayi = Deltocephalus
*Aphrophora signoreti.
Doubtless correct.
Athysanus abietis=Bytl~oscop~~s vari-
abilis Fh. 8 .
*Athysanus fagi.
Certainly a species of Bythosco$us.
Athysaiius fenestratus~Bythoscopus
Athysanus minor=Bythoscopus id.
Athysanus nigrinasi = Bythoscopus
Athysanus variabilis = Bythoscopus
Aulacizes i~ovaeboracensis=Diedro-
cephala id.
Bytl~oscopus strobiz Phlepsius id.
Bythoscop~~s tergatus=Grypotes id.
(auct. Uhler) .
Bythoscop~~s ~micolor=Grypotes id.
(auct. Uhler) .
Cicada robertsoni = Cicada dorsata
Say. (auct. Woodw.)
Cixius iimpunctatus~~ndus id.
Delphax arvensis=Liburnia id.
Delphax dorsalis = Stenocranus id.
*Empoa coccinea = Typhlocyba id.
(auct. Woodw .)
Empoa querci å´- Typhlocyba id.
(auct. Woodw.)
Erythroneura affinis=Typhlocyba id.
(auct. Woodw.)
Erythroneura tricincta=Typhlocyba
id. (anct. Woodw.)
Erythroneura vitifex=Typhlocy ba id.
(auct. Woodw.)
Erythroneura v~~lnerataxTyphlocyba
id. (auct. Woodw.)
Jassus f~11vidorsui~rrPldepsius id.
Lepyronia saratogensis=Apl~ropl~ora
*Monecphora ignipecta=vai-. of Mo-
necphora bicincta Say.
Poeciloptei-a v~~lgariszLainenia id.
Smilia auriculata=:Archasia galeata
Sinilea castaneae = Aty~nna inornata
Say $ ( ?).
(See under Telamona unicdo~)
Smilia querci=Atymna id.
Telamona fagi = Heliria scalaris
Telamona querci=l'elainona monti-
cola Fab.
Telamona tristis = Telamona coryli
Fh. 9.


August-October 1890.1 ri3i ^ni^. t~ s 1
These forms I have taken in coitu.
I have never met with a 8 tristis nor a
9 coryli.
Tela~nona ~~nicolor==:Telamona fasci-
:ita Fitch. Q (?).
These forms always occur together
and of the large number I have exam-
ined the former are always females and
the latter males. On the strength of
this I have placed them as a single spe- cies and am confident that future obser- vations will justify me in so doing. The case is the same with StniZia castaneae
Fitch. and /14eå´1nbraci inornata Say.l
Tragop dorsalis=Acutalis id.
Uroxiphus carya3==Microcentrus id.
Cicada canicularis=var. of Cicada
tibicen Linn. (auct. Woodw.)
Membracis a~npelopsidis=~~ela~i~ona
1The following is the correct synonymy of this genus so far as I can make out :
Telamona reclivata Fitch.
monticola Fab.
querci Fitch.
arnpelopsidis Harr.
cz'ssi Harr. (List.)
cyrtops Fairm.
concava Fitch.
oritata Emmons.
coryli Fitch rf.
tristis Fitch 9 .
fasciata Fitch 3.
unicolor Fitch 9 .
*mexicana Sth
*excelsa Fairrn.
*pyamidata Uhler.
Membracis univittatazThelia id.
Tettigonia vitis = Typhlocyba id.
(auct. Woodw.)
Tettigonia rosse = Typhlocyba id.
(auct. Woodw.)
Tettigonia fabas = Typhlocyba id.
(auct. Woodw. )
The Centrottis acuminatus of Fabri-
cius has been placed by Say, Harris and
others as the
9 of his Membracis bi-
maczdata. I have however both sexes
of both of these species ;
the females
scarcely differ from the males in form.
Our described species of this genus are ; Thelia bimaculata Fab.
uhleri Stil.
*turriculata Eminons.
crataegi Fitch.
univittata Ham.
acuminata Fab.
Carynota Fitch.
Dr. Stal is mis-
taken in placing this genus as a synonym of Ophiderma Fairm. It is quite
widely separated from that genus but is
very near his Optilete of which TJzeZia
$orjhyrea Faism., a species unknown
to me, is the type. It is possible that
~tfil was unacquainted with the Mem-
brads mem Say, which is properly the
type of Fitch's genus, and hence was
deceived by Dr. Fitch's erroneous refer- ence of Membracis arquata Say to his
Ca rynota.


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