Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 367.
Psyche 5:367-372, 1888.

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Aesckna yamaskanensis Provancher
Natur. Canad. 1875, v. 7, 238 ; 248.
JS@Wieca yamaskanensis Prov. ibid.
1877, v. 9, 86. - Selys, 2d Add. syn.
Cordul., 1878, 13, 20, 12.
Male. Olive brown ; front and ver-
tex brown, blackish pilose, strongly
punctated ; front excavated above ; la-
brum yellow, labium pale; antennae
blackish; vertex convex above, nar-
rowed to tip, which is half as broad at
the base, nearly straight, a little im-
pressed; occupit yellow, brown on tip,
whitish pilose behind ; yellow behind the eyes, two transversal brownish marks in
the middle. Thorax olive brown,
densely brownish pilose ; dorsum dark
brown, paler olive at the humeral suture and below the blackish brown sinus;
carina obscure yellowish ; sides olive
brown ; a yellow spot around the stigma ; below pale brown. Abdomen long,
slender, inflated at the base, contracted on third segment, gradually broader to
tip; third segment paler at base ; seg-
ments 4-9 with a long yellowish spot on
each side ; transverse sutures black ; ar- ticulation membrane yellowish ; earlets
moderate, dark brown, shining, round,
pointed behind ; last segment short, pale brown ; a small dorsal carina not reach- ing the apical margin, which is pro-
longed into a triangular lobe between
the superior appendages; base of the
last segment notched ; the articulation
membrane enlarged. Superior append-
ages three times as long as the last
segment, black, pilose, approximated,
basal half cylindrical, about straight,
somewhat contracted just after the base, apical half suddenly enlarged externally, a little divergent, the external border
rounded, tapering to a short acute tip,
recurved a little inwards and upwards ;
viewed from the sides, the basal half is cylindrical, a little incurvate, the apical half suddenly increased, tip recurved,
acute; an obsolete external ridge not
reaching the tip begins where the ap-
pendages enlarge and here on the under-
bide is also a sniiill notch. Inferior ap- pendage a little shorter, light brown, tri- angular, large at base, very much nar-
rowed and recurved on the apical half,
ending in a blunt tip, somewhat thicker
above. Genital parts on the second seg-
ment comparatively small ; ventral lobe
black, leaf shaped, margin thickened


externally ; hook pale yellowish, long,
flat, larger at base, tapering to tip which is black, recurved, sharp ; penis black, first joint with a short apical spine be- hind, second joint stout, short, with two erected spines on the tip ; last joint cy- lindrical, pale ; elevated spoon black,
small, flat, incurved. Legs brown at
base, femur blackish below, tibia black, the two margins above yellow ; tarsi
black ; the legs are long, slender, pilose, with a small brush on the tip of the an- terior femora; tip of the anterior tibia, with a short membrane below, ending
with a spine projecting on* the tip.
Wings hyaline, somewhat smoky, veins
black, costa externally yellow ; pteros- tigma dull yellow, narrow, elongate,
cut obliquely on tip ; below I+ areoles ; the base of the wings orange to the ar-
culus, except the apical half of the ba- silar space ; the transversals in the
median space and all below them are
clouded with black, forming with the
dull orange areoles on the hind wing a
brownish looking basal spot; the three
basal antec~~bitals in the subcostal space faintly clouded with orange ; membran-
ula long, snow-white, black at tip ; the angle of the hind wing not sharp, less
than rectangular ; front wing with g an- tecubitals. 7 postcubitals ; hind wing
with 6 antecubitals, 7-8 postcubitals ;
triangle of front wings with 3 are-
oles, internal triangle empty ; triangle of hind wings with 3 areoles; two trans-
versals in the median space ; two series of discoidal areoles beginning with
three ; anal triangle of hind wings with I transversal ; basilar space of all wings empty.
Similar to the male ; abdo-
men il little larger on tip ; last segment pale, short, apical margin straight ; ap- pendages pale brown, blackish on tip,
twice as long as the last segment, pilose, cylindrical, bent a little inside after the base, pointed on tip, vulvar lamina very short, with a large rectangular notch ; the lateral quadrangular lobes with the apical margin thickened ; earlets wanting, a
very small tubercule is visible, femur
less dark than in the male ; apical half of the anterior tibia with a series of pale flattened scales like spines ; wings simi- lar, front pair with 11-10 antecubitals, g postcubitals ; hind wings with 6 ante- cubitals, I 0-9 postcubitals ; the internal triangle of the fore wings with 3 are-
Male Female
Length of body with appendages 53 52
" " abdomen with 40 40
bb 6L ala sup. 34 36
alainf. 33 35
" *' pterostigma 24 24
" " appendages sup. 3 24
' L6 tibia post. 7 7
Breadth of caput
74 74
' &‰ ala sup. Sh Si
" " ala inf. 11 II
Expanse of ala inf. 70 74
HABITAT: Mt. Yamaska, near St.
Hyacinth, Province of Quebec, Canada.
The male was collected by the Abb6
Provancher in 1875 and the female in
1877. There can be no doubt that both
belong to the same species ; the differ- ence of the internal triangle of the fore wings, empty and without transversals in the male, with three transversals, united in the centre and forming 3 areoles as in the discoidal triangle in the female is in-


teresting, as in all the related species a lack of constancy in the venation is ob- served. This species is very similar to
E. obsoleta, but the wings are narrower
in proportion to the length. The other
differences are given under å£ obsoleta. 2. EPITHECA OBSOLETA.
Libellula obsoleta Say Journ. acad.
nat. sci. Philad. 1839, ser. I, v. 8, 28, 17 : Ed Lec. v. 2, 402.
Didymops obsoleta Hagen Syn. Neur.
N. A. 1861, 136, 2.
Epitheca? obsoleta Selys Syn. Cor-
dul. 45, 25 - Hagen Pi-oc. Bost. SOC.
nat. hist., 1873, v. 15, 269, 24.
Neurocordulia obsoleta Selys 2d.
add. syn. Cordul., 1878, 38.
Libellala ~olysticta Burm. Handb.
1839, v. 2, 85653, 8.
Cordu?ia? molesta Walsh Proc. ent.
SOC. Philad. 1863, v. 2, 254, Q .
Pale dull olive brown; front
and vertex pale olive, brownish pilose,
strongly punctated, front excavsited
above ; labrum yellow, labium paler ;
antennae pale brown ; vertex convex
above, narrowed to tip, which is half as broad as the base, nearly straight at the tip ; occiput yellow, whitish pilose be- hind; behind the eyes yellow, some
brownish marks in the middle, but rath-
er small. Thorax pale olive brown,
densely brownish pilose ; dorsum with a
darker broad dorsal stripe, shading off
in the ground-color half way to the hu-
meral suture ; carina yellowish, sinus
brown; a small yellow spot on each
side of the dorsal stripe anteriorly near the prothorax ; sides with cuneiform yel- low spots around the stigmata, reaching
to the bases of the legs. Abdomen long
inflated at the base, contracted on third segment, gradually enlarged to tip, and
somewhat depressed (in bad condition) ;
more yellowish along the lateral bor-
der ; transverse sutures black ; articula- tion membrane pale; a round yellow
spot near the border of each side of the I have always used the names of the A-
merican entomologist, Thomas Say, though I worked in Europe, and their priority over those of H. Bunneister is by no means cer- tain. Say's paper was read 12 July, 1836; it was not published-I have never been able to learn why - until 1839. In my opinion the American entomologist can never lose priority by the unaccounted for delay in the publication of his paper.
Mr. Edward Doubleday (Mag. nat. hist.,
1839, n. s. p. 141) says : '-This paper [of Say] was not published when I was in Cam- bridge, Mass., in October, [1838J but Dl-. Harris informed me that it would appear in the forthcoming volume [v. Sj of the Journal of the academy of natural
sciences, of Phil-
. . . Epping, Feb. 18, 1839."
Say's paper was therefore not published 12 February, 1839, as Doubleday prints (1. c.) a list of Say's entomological writings, by the kindness of Dr. Harris, more complete than any that has yet appeared.
The exact date of publication of the rnonth- ly issues of the Journal from v. 2 to v. 6, p. 327 is given in the Proc. acad.. v.1, p. 57-59, and concludes with the notice that " the re- mainder of the Journal is published in half volumes." Volume 8 has simply the date
1839. At
that date Burmeister's work was
certainly in print and was published direct- ly; but as I was in Norway and Sweden, I did not see it until the fall, when in Altona. .
at the house of Mr. Sommer, Burmeister's father-in-law. Priority hunters here and in Europe may do their work.


second segment ; earlet brown shining,
round, pointed behind ; last segment
(base injured) with the apical margin
slightly produced in the middle, round-
ed, very slightly depressed. Superior
appendages a little more than twice as
long as the last segment, pale brown,
pilose, closely approximated in the apical half; basal half cylindrical, curved slow- ly inwardly and inferiorly ; gradually
enlarged externally on the apical half,
and tapering to the tip, which is short
acute, recurved inwardly ; viewed from
the side the cylindrical basal half is
somewhat contracted in front of the
flation of the apical half; inferior ap- pendage a little shorter, pale brown,
triangular, large at base, very much nar- rowed and recurved on the apical half,
tip blunt with a small black tooth above. Genital parts wanting. Ventral lobe
on the second segment small,
leaf-shaped, margins thicker, blackish.
Legs pale brown, pilose, tibia externally yellowish, spines black ; tarsi pale
brown; anterior femora with a small
brush on the tip ; anterior tibiae with a short membrane below, ending in a
spine projecting from the tip. Wings
hyaline, broad, principally the hind
wings, veins pale brown ; pterostigma
elongate, yellow, below little more than one areole ; the antecubitals in the sub- costal space surrounded by a yellow
spot, a similar spot near the arculus ;
transversals in the median
space dark
brown ; hind wings with similar spots,
and an orange one filling the triangle
near the anal border ; angle of the hind wings oblique nearly rounded) mem-
branula long, snow-white, apical 'half
blackish ; front wing with 7-8 antecubi- tals, 8 postcubitals ; hind wing with 5
antecubitals, 7-9 postcubitals ; both tri- angles of front wings with 3 areoles ; dis- coidal triangle of hind wings with z ate- oles ; 2 transversals in the median space of all wings ; one transversal in the basilar space of the left hind wing ; discoidal
areolets beginning with 3, then 2 se-
ries for 2 areolets, followed by 3 not
very regular series ; anal triangle of hind wings with 2 transversals.
Similar to the male ; abdo-
men more robust, lateral margin of the
segments paler ; last segment very short, apical margin widely notched ; appen-
dages brown, black on tip, pilose, cylin- drical, narrower at base, slightly bent
outwards on tip, which is short, acute ; tubercule between them brown, pilose,
obtuse ; vulvar lamina very short, with
a large rectangular notch, almost at-
taining its base, sides rounded. Legs
brown, tibiae yellowish externally, tarsi dark brown. Wings similar to the
male, but slightly smoky, the costa yel- low externally, all spots larger, a brown- ish spot on the base of the front wings
near the hind border, and a larger
brown band on the hind wings, ending
on the interior angle of the discoidal tri- angle, leaving the extreme base of the - wing hyaline ; front wing with 7 ante-
cubitals, and 7-8 postcubitals ; hind
wing with 5 antecubitals and 8 postcu-
bitals ; both triangles in front wings with 3 areoles; discoidal triangles in hind
wings with two parallel transversals, of which in the right hind wing the basalone


Fig. I.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 10.
Fig. I I.
Fig. 12.
Fig. 13.
Fig. 14.
Fig. 15.
Fig. 15.
Fig. 17.
Bfitheca yamaska ~zensis Provancher.
$ Anal appendages, from above.
J1 Anal appendages, side view.
9 Anal appendages, from above.
9 Anal appendages, side view.
8 Genitals in the second segment.
? Vulva, from below.
Efitheca obsoleta Say. ($olys/icta Burm.) 8 Anal appendages. from above. (Burm.)
$ Anal appendages, side view. (Bunn.)
9 Vulva, from below. (Say.)
CorduLia lintneri Hagen.
$ Between anal appendages, from above.
$ Anal appendages, from above.
$ Anal appendages, side view.
8 Superior anal appendages, from above.
9 Anal appendages, from above.
9 Vulva, from above.
- Head, from above.
$ Base of wing.
All the figures are drawn from the types:


Psyche, 1890.7.5.
Plate I.
B.Meise1, lith.


is furcated, giving 3 and 4 areoles ; ined- ian space of front wings with 2 (left) or 3 (right) transversals ; median space of hind wings with 4 (left) or 3 (right)
transversals ; basilar space of all wings with i transversal ; membranula snow-
white, blackish on tip.
Male Fern[! Ie
Length of body with appendages 43 45-53
' ;' abdomen with 30 34-364
' " ala sup. 31 34-374
" " ala inf. 30 33-38
" " pterostigma
c b
3 34
" appendages sup. 24 24
' " tibia post.
6 6- 64
Breadth of head
7 7-8
" cc ala sup. 8 8b-10
" ala inf. 11 11-13
Expanse of ala inf. 62 70-74
HABITAT : Indiana and Massachu-
setts, Say; New Orleans, La., Bur-
meister ; Rock Island, Ill., W alsh ; Ga- lena, Ill., Mr. T. E. Bean. The types
of Say from Indiana and the type of
Walsh are destroyed.
I saw the latter
in 1868 and am sure that it belongs to
E. obsoleta.
Say's type from Massachusetts, a fe-
male collected in 1820 in a meadow at
Milton, near Boston, still exists in the Harris collection at the Boston society
of natural history ; the type of Burmeis- ter a male and a male from Galena are
in my collection.
These are the only
specimens known and have been in the
hands of Baron De Selys Longchamps
for his Synopsis. The type of Burmeis-
ter is immature and in bad condition ; it was placed in DIdymes in my Synop-
sis as I did not care to found a new ge- nus on such insufficient material and
therefore placed the species in the genus I believed most suitable. I was aware
that the branches of the tarsal nails
were unequal. but the only specimen of
D. transversa in my possession at that
time was also in very poor condition,
and the omission to state the difference in the claws induced Mr. Walsh to over-
look the identity of his species with that of Say. This species is very close to
JS. yamaskanensis Provancher, of
which I have seen the only pair known.
Considering the aberrations in the vena - tion in E. obsoleta I believed after my
first examination of the male, that both belong to the same species, but the dis- covery of the female seems to prove
them different. E. yamaskanensis is
larger, the head more globular, rather
longer, occiput narrower, ' the wings
longer but of the same breadth, the stig- ma shorter, the spots in the subcostal
space almost wanting, antecubitals more
numerous, the base of all the wings or-
ange, legs longer, wperior appendages
of the male black, longer, visibly more
dilated, with a small inferior notch in
the middle ; apical border between them
prolonged into an acute recurved tip. I
think it will be more prudent to accept
them as distinct species until more spec- imens shall show intermediate furms.
CorduZia Zz'ntneri Hagen 2d Add.
syn. Cordul. 1878, 9, I+*
Head large ; labrum and la-
bium bright - yellow ; face greenish
*This is Libe//u/a vacua Hag-en (no descr.) Stett. enf zeit., 1867, v. 2S,91.
The if is figured without name by
Emmons, in DeKay Agric. N. Y., v. 5, pi. 15, f. I.


rhinarium brownish in the middle ;
front advanced semicircular, somewhat
flattened above, roughly punctated,

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