Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 168.
Psyche 5:168, 1888.

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[February-Ma1 ch 18Sg.
Communicotiolzs, exchanges and editors* copies should be addressed to EDITOKS or PSYCHE, Cam- bridge, Mass. Communications for publicofion in PSYCHE must be properly authenticated, and no anony- mous articles will bepnblished.
Editors and contributors are only responsible for the statements made in their own communications. Works on subjects not related to entowology 'will not be reviewed in PSYCHE.
For rates of subscription and of advertising-, seead- vertising columns.
Mr. B. P. Mann sent me 24Jiily 1885. two specimens with lac insects from Lavedo,
Sonora, collected by Dr. E. Palmer. about 60 miles from Fort Ytinia on the Colorado
River. One is Carteria mexicaii(c, Corn- stock. Report U. S. Dept. agric. 1881 p. 212 ; Cornell univ. Exper. stat. 1883,2d rept. p. 130 no. 125, from the twigs of Larrea mevicana. The other from PliicJiea borealis has much larger lac lumps and seems to be new.
insects puncture the older stems and the lac is secreted upon them. Thisgum occurs in great abundance and is used by the Indians to
mend their baskets and pots and to fasten the handles into then]. Moreover the Indians in their games and, walks have foot-balls which they make by coating stones with this lac and kick along before them.
H. A. Hagen.
Mr. S : H. Scudder having asked me for the details of an observation to which reference is made in the American naturalist, April, 1877, v. 11, p. 245. I have turned to my notes made in Brazil, in 1871, and found the fol- lowing entry :-
<Fr. Feh. 17. . . . Great numbers of No. 1503 followed each other singly at intervals across the meadow in front of the house, migrating apparently, and were very difficult to catch."
Mr. H. K. Morrison states that my No.
1503 is Agmisthos acheronta Fabr. I believe the determination was made for Mr. Morribon by Mr. Herman Strecker.
I remember the occasion of the observa-
tion. The butterflies came with powerful rapid, direct flight, perhaps from three to five meters above the level of the meadow. from the direction of a rising ground or small hill near by. After seeing several and noticing the uniformity of their behavior, I ascended the hill, and thus, so far as I recol- lect, came within reach of them. From how great a distance they came I could not tell, nor can I now say from or to what direction of the compass, they flew. The season, as will be noticed, was early fall
B: Pickinaii Mann.
What it piobably E$hemerii ( Lefto-ph-
lehia)t,ztpida, is common at Providence, R. I., on the banks of the Seekonk about the middle of May Of four specimens carefully taken. some of them at different times, with a net and allowed to fly into a bottle. and then transferred to a tumbler. one lived about twelve hours, and another 24 and a third 48 hours. A fourth individual was captured
Saturday F. M.. at five o'clock. It was in the subimago stage. being of a dull slate-gray with none of the reddish hues of the imago. It lived about a day before moulting. when the colors appeared, i e., flesh tints at the base and on the costa of the fore wings. as well as on the ptero5tigma. It had moulted Monday and lived a full week after. being observed alive the following Monday morn- ing, but was found dead in the tumbler Mon- day morning, May, 14, 1888. It had thus lived .over eight days, without taking food.


it mated soon after casting its subimago pellicle it is probable that it would not have lived but a day or two longer. A. S. Packard.
The engraving shows the pairing of one
of our most common crab spiders, Xysticus trig~tttatus Keyserling. The spiders were seen on the 5th of June. among- the short grass in an open pasture between Salem and Swampscott, Mass. The female held herself, head downward, on a blade of grass with the abdomen turned away only enough for the
male to reach under it with his palpi. There did not appear to be any web on
the grass,
though there may have been a few threads for the female to hold bj. 'f. H. Emerton. TROX AT ELECTRIC LIGHT.
The fondness of various species of Trox
for electric light has increased considerably the list of species known to inhabit Illinois. The following list includes all known to me. I. Trox sca6rosus Beauv. Taken at electric light at Springfield 20 June 1885, by Mr. C. A. Hart.
2. Trox monachtis Hbst. There is a speci- men of this species in the collection of the State entomologist from Union Co. It has also been taken near Pittsfield 111.
3. Trox as@ Lec. One specimen ob-
tained at electric light at Springfield. 4. Trox'puuctatus Germ. Not uncommon
throughout the state.
5. Trox tuberczdatus Deg. Specimens in
the State entomologist's collection taken at Centralia 22 April.
6. Pox erinaceus Lec. Rather rare but
found throughout the state.
7. Trox capillans say.* Specimens in the State entomologist's collection from La Salk Co.
8. Trox z~m's/yiatus Beauv. Quite com-
mon throughout the State.
9. TroxfbveicolZis Har. Rather rare.
10. Trox terrestris Say. I have seen speci- mens from Pittsfield.
I I . Trox aequalis Say. Rare in northern and central Illinois.
12. Trox scaber Linn. Taken at Gales-
13. ~rox atrox Lee. Recorded by Horn
from Illinois.
Only eight other species are known in the United States.
C. W. Woodworth.
observed and recorded in 1862 the fact that the eggs of Laeyris were luminous.
This ob-
servation was confirmed by Dr. A. Laboul- bkne. who published the statement in 1882, but some entomologists have doubted the
fact of their luminosity. Wielowiejsky , who published a paper in 1882, that dealt thor-


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