Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 166.
Psyche 5:166-167, 1888.

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To exhibit it a glance the differences
in the males the following table is added : Anterior ventral segments pubescent at
middle, front thighs toothed.
Front tibiae angulate.
Hind thighs not toothed, prosternum
velvety pubescent at middle.
A. sculftile.
Hind thighs toothed, prosternum
smooth. R.
Front tibiae sinuate, not at all angu-
late, prosternum smooth, hind
tibiae with stronger apical process.
Ventral surface without velvety pube-
scence along the middle, front
thighs not toothed, front tibiae not
angulate, apical processes of mid-
dle and hind tibiae very long.
D. calcaratum.
C. sru/p/Hi- Newm. is not rare in the
Atlantic States. C calcaratum Lec is
from Or. and V.I.
Were the above described secondary
8 characters in A, B, and C, accom-
panied by any constant differences in
form or sculpture, three very distinct spe- cies would seem to be indicated ; but
there does not appear to be the slightest clew to show which females belong with
any of the males, and it is perhaps not
impossible that a series of specimens
may prove that the 9 of D, is not easily distinguishable from the eastern forms.
In conclusion it is suggested that those who are located within the faunal limits of Clinz'dium examine their material for the purpose of learning if all the varia- tions mentioned, or any others not yet
noted, occur in one locality. In the
vicinity of Lowell the family does not
appear to be represented.
has been regarded as identical with P.
na-fii of Europe by some who have stud-
ied only the markings of the wings, I
have thought a comparison based on the
early stages would be desirable ; this I am now able to make by the kindness of
Mr. J. Jenner Weir of England, who has
kindly sent me a number of specimens
of blown larvae and living chrysalids of the latter.
Other caterpillars from the
continent have been ofservice.
The mature caterpillar of P. oleracea
differs from that of P. nafi of Europe
in the more uniform pile with which the
body is clothed, and by the apparent ab- sence of those comparatively large coni- cal wartlets, ten or twelve times larger than the smaller ones, which form so
conspicuous a feature in both P. napi


February-March ISS~.] f='.s ?'-CLi7E'. 167 and P. Mae, and which are arranged
at subequidistant intervals in a transverse row on each of the subsegments of the
body ; they are present in P. oleracea,
but are not nearly so large
relatively as
in P. napi^ except possibly on the stig- matal subsections of the anteriorpart of the body, and are further inconspicuous
in being either concolorous with the
body, 01- white, or only a little infuscated, while in both the other species mentioned they are piceous and most conspicuous ;
occasionally, however, when white, they
are marked with a fuscous annulus
around the base and so are made more
conspicuous, but herein they approach
the normal type of P. r~c/ae and not of
1'. napi.
The chrysalis of P. oZeracea differs from that of P. napi of Europe, first, in the fol- lowing structural features : the frontal tub- ercle curves distinctly upward, while that of P. napi is directed straiglit forward ; the elevation of the suprastigmatal carina to distinct, spinous, compressed tuber-
cle .on the sides of the anterior part of the third abdominal segment, is far more marked, and the tubercle itself distinctly flares laterally, which that of P. napi
cannot be said to do.
Second, in color-
ational peculiarities : Chrysalids of P. napi are far more heavily marked ;
especially the suprastiginatal carina is margined interiorly with large blackish
uscous patches forming a more or less
interrupted band over the second to the
eighth abdominal segments ; the fourth
of the tenth segments have a distinct
mediodorsal black dash at the anterior
margin ; and the disk of the wing cases
is marked with a double black dash be-
sides the black specks ; none of these
markings are present in P. olerocea
except the first named, on the second
and third segments, - and occasionally a fuscous indication posterior to that ; the black specks or dots are found on the
wing cases, but the black dashes are
wanting. The further dorsal markings
of the abdomen of 2'. na$i consist, on
most of the segments, of a curving or
diverging series of black dots, three on a side next the middle line above, open
posteriorly, and an oblique arrangement
of two black dots on either side, nearer the suprastigmatal than the inediodorsal carina, the anterior marginal or submar- ginal and the outer, the other anterocen- tral and the inner ; none of these except the submarginal dot of the outer series
is found at all in P. oleracea, and then only, as a general rule, on the third to the sixth segments and accompanied on
the fifth and sixth by a companion dot,
sometimes double, a little way above the spiracle.
The male imago of P. oleracea differs
structurally from that of P. nail in the hook of the upper organ of the abdomin-
a1 appendages, which is shorter and
more strongly curved at tip, while the
semicorneous expansion of the under
edges of the base is not a downward
directed, vertical lamina, thickening into a posterior, downward directed thorn,
but a short curved hook, opposed to the
hook of the upper organ.


Volume 5 table of contents