Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 85.
Psyche 5:85, 1888.

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JUIY-~ugust ISSS.] PSYCHE. 85
more frequent in southern than in
northern parts, a second or supplement-
ary brood is formed in one season; as
the butterfly lays eggs for some time,
and all the females are not born at once. the eailiest progeny of the earliest
females may not infrequently be able to
mature in the same season in time for
the production of a second brood. This
would seem to be a provision on the
part of nature to give the species a
better chance. That they need it is
perhaps evidenced by the fact that the
black-veined orange species, which are
almost universally more numerous in
individuals than the others, have, in
regions where one brood is the normal
condition of their fellows, always two
But this is not the only advantage the
black-veined orange species have, so
that we cannot fairly ascribe their
greater numbers to this alone. Their
very colors are an advantage to them,
for in them they mimic species of Eu-
floeinae, which possess a taste and
perhaps an odor offensive to birds and
other insectivorous animals ; the mirni- cry is very striking indeed, and is the
more remarkable from the fact that the
northern species resembles the only
species of Eufloeinae found in the
region it inhabits, while the southern
species as well as the southernmost
examples of the northern species, re-
semble another which is more common
in the region they inhabit.
It is indeed possible that one of the
normally colored species of Basilar-
chia, one that has least conspicuously
contrasted colors, though resplendent
with blue and green, is specially pro-
tected by the various other devices we
have recounted ; for certainly it is itself mimicked by one sex of a butterfly of
another very distinct group, viz : Sem-
nofsyche &a.
This larva was found on a poplar
shoot, at Sugar Hill, N. H., 21 July
It was then 18.5 mm. long, slender,
and green. The head was triangular,
pale green, with a pale yellow stripe
on each side. The body was brighter
green, covered with white granulations,
these being less numerous ventrally.
There were seven oblique lines of
pale yellow, edged above with green
darker than the body, and the last one
extended to the tip of the caudal horn.
A clear yellow horizontal line on the
first three segments, was continued
very faint@ to the last segment.
The anal shield was of a bluer green
than the body, and edged with white.
The feet and props were green ; the
caudal horn was pinkish above, green
beneath, and lined on each side with
yellow. Spiracles almost invisible.
Pswhf 5 Og5-86 (pre. 1903). hfp //psyche aitclub org/5/5.00B htd


86 PSTCHE, [ JLIIY-~ugust 1888.
The larva moulted on 25 July, and
was 25 mm. long and of the same colois
and marks as before.
On 27 July faint lines of a reddish
color began to appear above the oblique
yellow lines.
On 30 July the larva was 44 mix.
long, and ate voraciously. The tips of
the feet had become red. The yellow
stripes on the, head had grown very
On 3 I July it moulted again, being 53
mm. long.
The mouth parts were black ; the
yellow face-lines were edged with
black ; and the caudal horn had a black
line on each side instead of a yellow
line. Other marks as before.
On 2 August the colors had changed
The face-lines had become pale green
edged with black- rather faint - ; the
seven obliques were white edged above
with pinkish lilac ; the yellow horizon- tal line 11x1 gone from the first three
segments, and those segments, as well
as the lower half of all the others, were marked with tiny white dots, each en-
circled with black.
The props had a faint purplish tinge.
The spiracles were red.
The head had grown more round,
with a slight indentation on top - not
enough to call the head bificl.
On 4 August the larva was 62.5 mm.
long, and the marks were brighter.
The caudal horn was short in propor-
tion to the size of the caterpillar.
On 10 August the length of the larva
was 87.5. mm., and the marks were
On 12 August it began to be restless,
and on 13 August it went into the
ground during the night, but re-ap-
peared again on the 14tl1, though it ate nothing.
On 15 August it had gone into the
ground again, and 21 August it had
become a brig11 t mahogany-colored
pupa, 37.5 mix. long, with a tongue-
case 3 mm. in length and lying close
against the pupa.
On 7 June, 1888, the pupa had
grown much darker and duller, and on
10 June, at about 8.30 A.M., a fine 9
The larva was fed entirely on poplar.
I had netted a $ imago in a field
near the poplar where I found this
larva, only a few days before, flying at almost noon, and feeding at kale blos-
BY SAMUEL HUBBARD SCUDDER, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. An examination of the androconia brought to light some very curious facts,. concealed in the costal fold of the fore showing how closely related, as far as wing in the species of this genus has these scales are concerned, some of the


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