Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 53.
Psyche 5:53, 1888.

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May 1838.1 PSYCHE. 53
ICHNEUMON RUFIVENTRIS Bi ~1ll6. Hart "by cutting a lid from tlie anterior Two specimens of this handsome end of the pupa." Other specimens ichneumon were bred late in July 1884,
were collected in Tazewell Co. during
from the chrysalids of Pyrameisca,~-dui, May, 1881, and in Union Co. 14 July
the insects emerging as noted by Mr. 1880 and 14 Sept. 1883. IDENTIFICATION OF THE NOTODONTIAN GENUS SCHIZURA OF DOUBLEDAY.
BY ALPHEUS SPRING PACKARD, PROVIDENCE, R. I. In The entomoloffist for Feb. 1841,
Edward Doubleday, in an article en-
titled, "Characters of three new genera
of notodontidae from North America,"
describes and figures M w a +om-
eae giving the generic and specific char- acters in some detail, and illustrating, in a plate facing p. 60, the larva and
pupa from manuscript drawings by
John Abbot.
When preparing the manuscript of a
monograph of the bombycidae, which
was published in abstract under the
name, L(Synopsis of the bombycidae of
the United States" (Proc. Entom. soc.
Phil., 1864, v. 37 p- 97-130, 33.1-396)) I was unable with certainty to identify
the genus (the species not then being
known to occur north of Florida), but
placed it next to my genus Coelodasys.
In 1851; Walker referred it to Hetero-
cainpa; but neither Mr. Grote nor Mr.
H. Edwards have been able to identify
it. While looking over, during the
past winter, the volume of manuscript
colored drawings by John Abbot, in
the library of the Boston society of
natural history, I found the original
colored drawing, copied by Doubleday
and described by him as the larva of
Schizura ipomeae. The larva figured
by Abbot I recognized as that of Coe-
Zodasys big-uttatus Pack. which I reared last summer in all its stages from eggs
kindly sent me by Miss Emily A. Mor-
ton, of Newburgh, N. Y.
On comparing my specimen of C,
biguttatus with Doubleday's descrip-
tion both of the generic and specific
characters, it agrees exactly, and leaves no doubt but that my genus Coelodasys
is a synonym of Doubleday's Schizwa.
Hence the former name should be
dropped and that of Schizwa retained,
and C, big'uttatus should, with little
doubt, be regarded as a synonym of S.
ipomeae. Of Coelodasys I described
also C. edmadsii and C. Jzarrisii,
besides referring Notodonta unicornis
to it. My C. cinercofrom, as previous-
ly shown by Grote, is a melanitic
vaiiety of C. biguttafm. All these
species which are valid should, then,
be referred to Schiwa.
I may also add that I have identified
Donbleclay's Heterocamfa astarfe, as
Grote had previously done: the larva
is represented by Doubleday's fig. I,
the pupa by Ins fig. 2. His Lochmaeus
manteo I have also readily identified ;
Grote's Heterocan@a suhalbicans is a
synonym of it. Doubleday's unnamed
larva, figs. 3 and 5, is that of Walker's Cecrita g-uttivith, referred by Grote
so Heterocmi@a, and which I have
teen in its early and imago stages in
Prof. Riley's collection, having also
collected the caterpillar myself either
in Rhode Island or Maine.


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