Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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J. B. Stear.
Muscid Larvæ Taken in “Sciara Army Worm”.
Psyche 37:175, 1930.

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19301 Nesting habits of Prosopis 175
family (counting from date of oviposition) and was only now completely developed and ready to emerge, the last of the series. The hard disc forming the lid of each of the cells was in no case broken through, but all the insects had bitten out a new channel through the pith and around this lid and thus escaped upward into the gallery. The middle of April terminated the season of emergence of these bees in all the nests which came under my notice. MUSCID LARVB TAKEN IN "SCIARA ARMY
In the spring of 1929 I observed a mass of fungus-gnat larvae, usually referred to as a "Sciara army worm" moving across a lawn in Chambersburg, Penna.
With the Sciara larvae and moving along with them were two Muscid larvae.
When not covered over in the moving
mass their white bodies were quite conspicuous in contrast with the darker color of the Sciara larvae. I collected both specimens' and the adults emerged on July 23rd. They proved to be Muscina pscuorum Mei. as determined by Mr. A. B. Champlain of the Penna. Dept. of Agriculture, Harrisburg, Pa. Apparently this species has not hitherto been reported from Pennsylvania, nor has the larva been observed before in America.
Chambersberg Laboratory
Penna. Bureau of Plant Industry.
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