Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 10.
Psyche 14:10, 1907.

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10 PSYCHE [February
are also present on the disc of the scutellum. Abdomen broad, entirely black,
somewhat shining and covered with fine setae. Legs black, with prominent rows
of bristles. Wings broad with a whitish or milky tinge, costa and first longitudinal vein dark brown, the other veins yellowish. Squamae white. Length, 5 mm.
Five specimens of this species were obtained from Dr. F. W. Russell of Win- chendon, Mass., who bred them from the pupa of Archips cerasivorana Fitch. Later
I received a specimen from Mr. E. F. Hitchings of Waterville, Me,, who bred it from the same moth, July 28, 1906. Mr. D. W. Coquillett informs me that the National Museum has also received a specimen from Mr. Hitchings. Type in the collection of the Boston Society of Natural History. In connection with this I should also like to record the host of Actia pilipennis Fallen, which was bred from Schizwa concinna S. & A., August 13, 1905, by Prof. John Barlow, of Kingston, R. I.
ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA.-The initial meeting was held in the American Museum of Natural History at New York City, Dec. 28, 1906. Prof.
Wm. M. Wheeler delivered before the society an illustrated lecture on "The Poly- morphism of Insects." Immediately after the lecture occurred the business meet- ing. Prof. J. H. Comstock of Ithaca, N. Y., was elected chairman and E. S. G. Titus of Washington, D. C., secretary of the meeting. The new society then adopted a constitution and by-laws and elected officers and the other members of the executive committee.
The following are the officers: President, J. H. Comstock, Ithaca, N. Y., 1st Vice President, James Fletcher, Ottawa, Can., 2nd Vice President, Henry Skinner, Philadelphia, Pa., See.-Treasurer, J. Chester Bradley, Berkeley, Cal. The Executive Committee consists of the officers and the following Fellows: Wm. M. Wheeler, New York, N. Y., John B. Smith, New Brunswick, N. J., Herbert Osborn, Columbus, O., C. J. S. Bethune, Guelph, Can., F. M. Webster, Washington, D. C., and Chas. W. Johnson, Boston, Mass. Following the business meeting there was a smoker at the Hotel Endicott given by the Brooklyn, Newark and New York Entomological Societies to the Association of Economic Entomologists and the Entomological Society of America. The executive committee, at a meeting held December 29, decided to call a meeting of the society at Boston, Mass., in connection with the meeting of the Inter- national Zoological Congress in August, 1907. Full announcement will bemade later. E. S. G. TITUS, Secretary.


Volume 14 table of contents